Friday, February 02, 2007

Beau Ideal--- Have you seen it?

So, I am interested in hearing feedback from any readers of Beau Ideal Arts 'zine.
In case anyone who has seen or owns a copy, and reads this blog, PLEASE leave a comment!
What can you tell those who have not yet seen it?
What issue(s) have you looked at?


Anne said...

Hi Again, Amber! I have Issues 1, 3, & 3.5, and love each of them. I have to say that Issue 1 is probably my favorite, perhaps this is because it was my very first 'zine EVER and opened my eyes to an all new artistic endeavor. So for that reason alone, it is very near and dear to my heart. What makes your 'zines so unique and special is the attention to detail you give each page. The borders, the embellishments, everything ... one can tell that 'zines are truly a labor of love for you! Your 'zines are a MUST for all artists! ~Anne

Anonymous said...

How can I subscribe? it looks awesome!!!
