Sunday, January 30, 2011

~*Winners*~ ~* One World One Heart *~ 2011

Congratulations to the winners & Thank you to everyone who participated!

I am very touched by the fact that so many have taken the time to visit my blog, take a look around and share some great comments with me! Some comments made me smile some made me laugh and others were a great introduction to meeting so many new creative and interesting hearts all around the world. 

I'm happy that my work has made so many of you smile, say, "wow!" and I'm glad to meet you.

There are three prize winners and two OWOH gifts.

Two gifts are being offered from my heart in appreciation.

The first- to Lisa Swifka for the enormous work that she has done for us all. Thanks to her for her AMAZING sacrifice and care! Lisa will be getting a bracelet from me with an assortment of handmade art charms. :o) ~*Thank you Lisa!!!*~

The other gift recipient is Marie Segal who you may or may not know helped to develop the clay recipe of Premo! The only clay that I use to make all of my polymer clay work.
She will be getting a charm with her name on it made of Premo! clay.
Thanks to her, I was able to create all of the pieces that so many of you have "ooohed and ahhhed" over. Thank you Marie for helping to develop Premo! It's the best!

2nd  & 3rd prize
Rian from The Netherlands
You get to pick out a cupcake from the photo above or the following photo... :o)

1st prize- The winner for the Princess Tea Time Cupcake is Pam of 


(Click to read about it!)

I will continue on my visiting of blogs. I've visited close to 100 of those who left me a comment! It's nice meeting you!

~*See you around everyone!*~
Amber Dawn

If you click on the title above, you will be directed to the entire participant list. Go blog hopping ALL AROUND THE WORLD!!! Meet new people. Learn new things. Enter to win jewelry, handmade art, crafts, supplies, books, prints, paintings, sculptures and all sorts of cool door prizes and give your own away!


Extra Extra Read All About It!

This is the 5th and final OWOH event and I am happy to join in!
I am just one among *many* participants!
So if this is your first time hearing about OWOH- 
You click on "Comments" below the posts and leave one. That is how you enter the prize drawings.
However- This event is about the meeting, greeting, networking and discovery.

"One World One Heart is a worldwide event for bloggers only. It gives all those who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world. In the past 4 years this event has grown to over 1,000 participants with lasting friendships (and even one love connection) formed along the way.  Think of it as a GIGANTIC open house allowing you to travel without ever leaving your home........going from blog to blog (in various countries) seeing the wonder each one has created and meeting all the fabulous people behind those blogs. As a bonus each blogger participant will offer up a "door prize or prizes"....just for dropping by, saying hello and seeing their world.  It's really that easy."- Lisa Swifka

Hello and ~*Welcome*~ to my blog, Amber Dawn's Inventive Soul! 
 I have posted lots of eye candy photos to share some of what 
I've been designing since the last time I participated in the OWOH event!
My door prize can be found below. 
:o) I hope that you enjoy the entire 2 week long event!

You must be this tall if you would like to enter my door prize giveaway! 
Or be over 18 *or* have your parents permission 
because you will need to send me your mailing address if you win!

I've been designing things for most of my life.

 Some are mysterious...

Some are sassy...

    Some are Sci Fi inspired...

Some are educational...

Oh this, this is not my design, this is my husband's design...

:o) He loves to design artistic furniture...

I love to draw...

I love to make zines

I love to participate in charity events...

I enjoy creating delicate objects...

    I like to develop project ideas and tutorials...


I like using my big hands to create VERY small works of art...

All of these are pictured on a US dime. The smallest US coin in circulation.

The above cupcake is 3/16ths of an inch. Less than 1/4 of an inch wide. Click on the photo to see the detail more clearly.

This cupcake is ***3 MILLIMETERS WIDE!*** That is the tip of a ball point pen next to it.

I love to create eye candy...

                                                               I love to design jewelry...

I am a fan of Steampunk...

I like doing things in new ways...

I love to design couture...

I love to create little bits of fun...

I like drawing on hats with markers...

I like to take photos of myself to share what I make...

I love to create things that look real...

The above cupcake is 1/8 of an inch.

The above cupcakes are 3-4 MILLIMETERS wide.

                                              ~*  I LOVE TO SHARE!!! *~
                                Here is my door prize offering-

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little bit.
As a special treat, I am offering a polymer clay cupcake miniature sculpture such as this one above, shown on a US quarter, as a prize.

One lucky person who's name I draw at the end of the event on February 17th will be asked to submit their preference for frosting flavor and flower color. Or, the winner can have the one pictured here in the photo.

If you are new to my blog and my work, please feel free to view my Flickr and YouTube links on my sidebar. You can also click on "older posts" at the bottom of each page.
I am hosting another One World One Heart event on the International Handmade Art Charm Day Blog!
~*Charms to Wear & Share*~
 International Charm Day is April 28th. I will be hosting another free event then and you are invited to join!
If you are a charm maker and would like to participate, let me know! It's a holiday inspired by the OWOH event. The world needs more days like this! Meet, greet and share! :o)

If you are having trouble leaving a comment, please try again at another time.
If you do not have a Google, Blogger or other blog acct. Please choose the 'anonymous' selection when leaving the comment and *do* leave your name and email address so that I may contact you if you win.


Special thanks to Lisa Swifka for running it!

Amber Dawn
And if you LOVE the miniature cupcakes you can see a bunch more here in this video!
If you like music, there is a music version on my channel of the same video..

The last time that I participated in 2009, these were some of the prizes that I won!
I still LOVE and enjoy them all to this day!
~*Thank you to those who sent me their wonderful door prizes! They are treasures!*~



Lisa Swifka!

Shariyah Garner!

Dawn Gold!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 290 of 290
Wendy said...

Hello and it is a wonderful thing to get to meet you. I am so excited to have the chance to win such a wonderful door prize. I absolutely love all those cute little tiny goodies.Happy OWOH, and during your travels through Blogland, I would love to have you for a visit.
Wishes and Whimsy
Wendy from Wonderland

Her Art Nest said...

You are an inspiration! I am loving all your amazing talent. Thank you for a chance to win your miniature cupcake, and it was great meeting you. Beautiful stuff!! Nan

Shannon Chomanczuk said...

That's all I have to say, amazing.
formysweetdaughter at

Anna Circo said...

Greetings from sunny southern California. Great post with delightful projects. Please add me to your hat. Cheers!

LucindaBee said...

Hello from New Zealand - I love your tiny creations. They are amazing Please enter me in your giveaway. I'll be back to look around some more after I finish my OWOH adventure. I'm #226 on the Flight

Teri said...

Greetings from Michigan! Your art is gorgeous. I have purchased some of your items on Etsy before! Thanks for sharing your blog and all your wonderful neat projects. You are an inspiration and so are your pieces!!
Please come visit my blog at:
Thanks Teri

Julie Ann said...

Hi Amber Dawn!!! Nice to meet you!! Wow- what an awesome talent you have! Your pieces are so neat and intricate! Love them!! Have a wonderful journey with OWOH this year!

arbrastuce said...

A French Bonjour from England,

I am really pleased to have discovered your lovely blog today and your tiny little creations.You must have a lot of patience !!!
Could you please put my name in your draw as a little cupcake would fit really well in my miniature shop ?
Don't hesitate to come and visit my blog.


RobbinB said...

I have always been obsessed with tiny things and your tiny things blew me away. That little bird and those little cupcakes! soooo wonderful
Please stop by my blog and say Hi. #752 I have a scarf I am giving away.


Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Your tiny creations are awesome! I'd love to win such a tiny cupcake :) Please enter my name into your draw! And pop over to my blog and enter mine, too, if you haven't done so already!

Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar #88


Love it all! ¯\(°‿o)/¯

Novelda said...

Wow! Amazing work. Aloha from Hawaii!

Jamie Cox said...

Hi, just hopping by on the OWOH blog tour! What a great event. Thanks for offering such a wonderful prize. Stop by my blog when you get a chance and enter for my door prize. , I'm #411


Sharon House said...

Lovely work and I enjoyed poking around your blog :). Love your steampunk *stuff*... I am impressed.

#298 on the list

Boom said...

I am SO impressed with the detail on your charms. I love anything and everything in miniature. Your work is lovely. So nice to visit here. Thank you. Boom in KS USA

Lisa W. said...

Please enter my name. Love your giveaway! Visit me #597

Unknown said...

I am absolutely amazed by those minitures, they are so detailed and so tiny, I can't imagine the dexterity!

Really enjoying visiting your blog, loved looking through all the things you have made and am having a great time participating in OWOH for the first time.

You can find me at:

Unknown said...

Wow! Your jewelry is amazing. And the tiny things you make just amaze me. What talent!

Happy One World One Heart!
Please stop by and visit "Once Upon A Moon" for a chance to win. :)

Moonbeams & Blessings,
Jesi Ferguson
onceuponamoon (at)

Lynn said...

I think tiny things speak louder than big things. Amazing amazing work. Do I dare say 'sweet'? lol

thanks for the chance!

Belinda said...

Hello Love your blog .I found it very interesting.

Michelle L. said...

Hi, Amber Dawn! You make a-mazing objects. So nice to meet you through OWOH. I have a weird little jewelry design blog, hope you get a chance to come I am off to explore...

Sue Young said...

wow!What amazing work you do!I could never get my fingers to do all that!thanks forthe chance to win this adorable cupcake! Sue

JennaLouiseCreates said...

Amber Dawn you are an inspiration! I hope I am one of your luckey winners:) Please stop over to my blog and enter my drawing.

Unknown said...

Wow- that mini stuff is amazing. My husband would love some of it for his GI Joes!

Steph @ Tart Deco
tartdeco at gmail dot com

Holly said...

Amber Dawn, what a wonderful post for OWOH. Isn't it such a fun event? Your stuff is gorgeous and sooo dainty!

From one who is also enjoying the BSBP too... :)

Susan said...

Amazing work, love viewing your blog.~susan~ visit my blog OWOH giveaway

Unknown said...

awesome post about you!!

visit my blog as well,

Holly Days Closet said...

I'm so in love with your mini cupcakes they are to cute.

Ren said...

I don't know which things you are giving away but there is so much variety! I would be tickled to own any of your work.

beenebag said...

OMG! I love the tiny things:) Please enter me for your giveaway. I will definiely check out the rest of your blog. I like to swap zines as well.

I can be reached at:


take care

What's up Duck? said...

Some of those things are sooo tiny! I don't think my eyes could make em out with any justice to them without my jewelry magnifer lol
I don't know how you do it but you do a fantastic job on such a small scale!

Ducky Doo
(just replace AT with @ I do this to dodge email grabbing internet bots)

Willnnabel said...

Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Love the steampunk clockwork charms!

Esme said...

Amber you have some wonderful talent with your designs. They are beautiful.

Thank you

chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com

s hyler said...

I would love to be enter in your wonderful drawing

Jo-Ann Dziubek-MacDonald said...

What an amazing creative soul you are! So nice to meet you here throug OWOH.


Pixiewinkle said...

Lovely creations. Please count me in. Patricia OWOH 498

Tami said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE, Amber!!! Please count me in-thank you!
Tami (

Mimi Cross said...

I love meeting you and your work. Don't you have fun? Your creations are as poetic as your name.

angelandspot said...

That is so beautiful. angelandspot{at}yahoo{dot}com

Barbara said...

I enjoy visiting you blog, you have some really nice addition since I last visited. Enter me in the drawing please. Thanks for going by my blog Blossoms Bloomers and commenting so kindly on my Royalty Pin The Queen Wears Boots.

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Hello, from Southern Illinois, USA. So nice to meet you and looking forward to coming back and visiting once the event is over and I have more time.

BrendaLea A. - Purple Lady
prpldy (at) comcast dot net

Red said...

Your work thrilled and inspired me! Wow. Pound for pound some of the best art I've seen.

Stop by for some tea at


Kim Gillian said...

Wow!! Very talented! Please count me in!
-Kim :)

Jennifer said...

Amber, those cupcakes are amazing. They look good enough to eat. Thanks for sharing your wonderful and varied artful life with all of us.

Manola said...

And lives Owoh de Lisa: thanks to this game
we can see beautiful creativities..
I am Manola ( 376 ) and here is my blog :

http: //

Good week to you and good luck;-)

Jblanton said...

love your miniature cupcakes- sooo cute!
you are very talented and have really GOOD eyes!

Happy Thoughts said...

cute stuff. :) Hope you can check out My Give-Away :)

Dawn said...

So many pretty giveaways ~
Happy OWOH!
Visit my blog when you get a chance.
Cheers ~

Carrieann said...

Hi Amber,

Greeting from fabulous Las Vegas! ;) Your work is beautiful and so it. Generous giveaway too. Please sign me up!

If you haven't already, stop by and see me...I think you'll like our giveaway! (#135)

Leslie said...

Hi Amber! As your work, love your blog. I am amazed at the detail in all the little mini cretions you've been making lately!

Azurlin said...

Hello from Ipswich, MA! I love your door prizes, and I'm intrigued by your amazing creativity! - Please enter my name into the One World One Heart contest.

I hope you have a chance to check out my blog, too. And - Enjoy your visit!
Hugs...Linda L
email -

Eleven33 Designs said...

Such awesome creativity you have! I will be following you to see more! I would like to have my name in your contest for a chance to win one of your creations!

I love to meet fellow crafters so if you have time stop by for a visit!

Thanks so much!!

artangel said...

Wow you have so many strings to your creative bow! Those teeny tiny food items are amazing - the cupcakes and lemons fascinated me, they're so perfect!

Lovely to meet you and share your work! I hope you'll get chance to come over and enter my draw too - #837

Diane Writes said...

Greetings from the Philippines! I never owned any artwork made from clay yet. If I will be the winner, I will be very thrilled, excited and happy! I will keep and treasure them because I know it came from someone who loves art and has put a heart to it :)

If your time permits, please visit my blog and join my own OWOH.

After the event, I hope we could develop a connection by following each other's blog too.

Thanks again. Happy OWOH!


Sarah said...

Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!

Birgit said...

Hi Amber Dawn,

I am blown away by your miniature artwork -- gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win one of those treasures. :)

Happy creating,
# 66

Unknown said...

WOW ! these are great, I'd love to win! such fabulous work.

Tammy said...

I just get amazed to see talent such as yours. I so wish I could do those sorts of things as my crafting is another direction. I would love love love to win such a wonderful piece of art. Yummy cupcakes....and wonderful pictures.
Thanks for the chance of winning something wonderful!

Lucy said...

WOW Sweet Giveaway~Hello from Ontario Canada. Please count me in for your giveaway.

Please visit my OWOH giveaway:

Marilyn said...

I've had a lovely time cruising your blog. Such little pretties. I thought for a moment the cupcakes were edible. Better, they will last forever and not put pounds on the body! Please enter me for your drawing.

M. Estes Zywar said...

Greetings Amber
I am really enjoying all your art work!
You have a colorful and VERY Creative blog.
So happy to have found you via OWOH!!!
Mary #787

Lauren said...

Hello! I'm so glad I found One World One Heart and was able to visit your blog! I'm pretty new to the blogging world and I love seeing the different ways of blogging. I hope you will check out my blog and maybe find something useful there. I'd love to be entered for your door prize, thanks for adding my name to the list!

Valerie said...

Amber Dawn,

As I was looking through all your art, your delicious-looking polymer cupcakes struck me most! Wow, aren't they really tiny! Oh I really love them.

It would be fantastic to win one of those pieces of your art!

'RainbowRose' Connie Faulconer said...

OH WoW I am totally BLOWN away at how tiny!!!!!! Please enter me in your drawing.

Thank you for sharing you wonderful work!

Simply Debbie said...


Lynne Moncrieff said...

Greetings from Scotland! Amber your creations are incredible. Imagine opening a package with this tiny cupcake in the mail :)
Warm Wishes.
This is my first yar and I am #798, Adorn. Would love for you to stop by.

"MOI" Freubel said...

Hi Amber
Nice to meet you .
First I took a few moments to discover your blog and i've browsed a while through your earlier posts.
I must say...I'm glad I did and I was realy impressed !! ( Yes, I take my time :)
It was fascinating to see your talent and please, cherish that !
About your giveaway; It would be a present to treasure and admirable that you have spent so much time on this gift !!

Kind greetings, Rian from the Netherlands who is trying to write perfect English but never succeeds :)
I wish you a creative day !

And invite you hearty to my blog for a visit as well :)

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Amber, I just love your post with all the mixed media artwork. Count me iPlease visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
n...I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Oh Man! I can't believe the delicacy of your polymer clay item! Amazing! You do so much - it seems creativity fairly spills out of your in all directions. I'd love to be entered into your drawing - and please feel welcome to enter mine too.

Angie said...

Hi Amber Dawn. Thank you for welcoming me to your blog. Your art work and all your items are stunning! I loved seeing each and every one.

Please feel free to visit me and enter my giveaway also. Just click on my blog link, or I'm #625. Happy OWOH to you!

Pam said...

Amber Dawn-Thanks for sharing:) -This is Pam flying by from Michigan. Your blog is very creative as are your amazing minature works of art! I would love the chance to win your beautiful mini cupcake.
.Have a Great Day! Pam

I'd love for you to check out my giveaway too!

Everyday Kathy said...

So nice to meet you! I'd love to win your lovely giveaway!
Outrageous joy,
Kathy #655

She Uses Her Words said...

Your cupcakes are precious! Please put me in your drawing!
Thanks, Karen

Lolly said...

Wow! You are so talented! Your work is awesome. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed here in Virginia!


Tammy Freiborg said...

You're a master at miniatures! And your are so versatile. I hope I'm as lucky as you were last year. Come visit #875, the penultimate.

Abi said...

Wow - yep, you are creative!!!
I particularly love the miniatures, since I love playing with polymer clay. I know I could never make anything that small though!
Your altered art pieces are beautiful, full of color and texture.
I enjoyed my visit!

janil said...

Your work is fantastic!!!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Wildflowerhouse said...

Your minnies are darling. Count me in and please drop by for a visit #505.

mom of 3rd culture kids said...

Hello from Thailand! Oh..I'm just amazed looking at all your artworks especially at the tiny cupcakes..Oh, you're so creative and talented! Hope I could win your cupcake..I want to see and touch it..:)

Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)

laetriciajaniel (@) gmail (dot) com

Artseyanne said...

OMGoodness, you are soooo clever!!!!! Hope you are enjoying the ride. Please call on me at #100 if you have a chance.

lulu moonwood murakami said...

You are SOOOOOOOO creative! What an inspiration!
: ) lulu

Elena said...

LOVE your work and your hubby's cabinet creation as well. Super cool stuff! Elena of MyQuest

Anna Circo said...

Greetings from southern California. Love your awesome giveaway. Please add me to your hat. I'm flying in during the final hours of OWOH. Thank you and cheers!

Teresa aka Tess said...

Greetings from Kansas. I am just amazed at how tiy those cupcakes are. I would go blind trying to make something that tiny. Theya re so presious. Oh and I love your blog name becuse it seems familiar to me. Reason: My granddaughter has a cocker spaniel that she oves dearly and her name is... YOU GUESSED IT? But her Amber has three names - Amber Dawn Marie. :)


ziggy stardust said...

really enjoyed your blog! thanks for a chance to win!


kswmccleary said...

Count me in

Unknown said...

Amber Dawn your art is just wonderful. My name is Sharon and I hale from TN. It is so nice to see you. I have just started tinkering into mixed media and I love it. Any tips would be helpful but I hope to get a chance to chatt with you after all this is over. Tkae Care

Jan C. said...

What I love is seeing all your wonderful charms. Your miniatures are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

GAAAHHH!!!! I love it! Didn't know where to post my thanks as I was rolling on the floor and drooling! I will be emailing you right back but Thanks Thanks Thanks!!!! Did I say Thanks? Hugs, Pam

Marie S said...

Thank you so much Amber Dawn, you are awesome.
I am so honored by your words,
Blessings all over you dear one!!

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