Welcome to the party!
Lori Anderson's the host of the event and you can find the *entire* list of 0ver 400 participants here, on her blog-
My Bead Soup swap partner is Sandy of, http://sandyscoloringbox.blogspot.com
Welcome to the party!
Lori Anderson's the host of the event and you can find the *entire* list of 0ver 400 participants here, on her blog-
My Bead Soup swap partner is Sandy of, http://sandyscoloringbox.blogspot.com
This is what she sent me-
~*Thank you Sandy for sending me what you did!*~
I sure had fun making a bunch of different pieces!
3 sets of earrings, a bracelet and 2 necklaces!
Using the silver spacers and silver wire.
I made the cupcake beads with polymer clay.

Moon Pie earrings using the green beads that Sandy sent.
I made the moon pie beads with polymer clay.

I LOVE wire wrapping!
Sandy's soup included chocolate/coffee colored beads which inspired this chocolate cake necklace!
There are some green and green/brown beads mixed in there too.

She signs off on her emails, "Be blessed to be a blessing."
This is what inspired me to create the focal that says, "Blessings" on it.

More earrings!
Using the silver spacers and wire.

I used some of the silver wire to fashion a posable hoop under the dress that I made for the Ddung doll pendant. I used the pretty clasp and some of the green and silver beads that my partner sent me to create the chain. The chain is longer but I shortened it for the photos.

I trimmed her hat and embellished it with a flower that I made from polymer clay and a Swarovski rhinestone in the center.
Blue goldstone is SO pretty!
Sandy sent me one so I used it to cap the pendant and use it to transition to the chain.
I love the way that it sparkles!
Here is a tiny, faux, tulip in a micro terrarium, bracelet!

The brown beads also reminded me of the earth so I wanted to create a piece, ~*Nature*~ in theme.

The brown beads also reminded me of the earth so I wanted to create a piece, ~*Nature*~ in theme.
This is what I sent to Sandy!
It was a GORGEOUS day out on Mother's Day!
This is where I took the outdoor pictures, Astoria Park, Queens NYC
If you like dollhouse scale sweets, I am sponsoring a giveaway on www.TheMiniFoodBlog.blogspot.com
I am INVENTIVESOUL on Instagram!
Amber Dawn Creations on FB!
FunFairCreations on YouTube!
Thank you for viewing my Bead Soup results!
I love to see photos of your miniatures. Those cupcake earrings are darling.
You made some very cute earrings with your bead soup.
Lovely pieces!
So cute and creative, I love the doll!
Such lovely pieces well done!
A little doll as a pendant ! I would NEVER have thought of this ! Such an amazing idea !
Wow what a lot of colourful things you have made with your soup, I really enjoyed reading about them
cupcake earrings! adorable :-)
very sweet and creative!
your creations are so cute!
so cute!
Hi there ty so much for sharing your uniquely brilliant designs they are wonderful...After viewing them I took a minute to explore your blog and you are very artistic and just amazing...
Fun Soup!
To cool! Never heard of a DDUNG Doll...Very cute though. and I love your miniatures. They fit very will with your soup. Excellent Job! Thanks for joining and posting!
Nice work! Love your earrings!!
Very cute!
Hey there! Love how you worked with your soup and added some of your wonderful elements to it all!! that micro terrarium is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Blessed centerpiece was a great tribute to your partner. The pieces are adorable and cupcakes are my favorite food - LOL
Very pretty pieces, the cupcake earrings are so cute!
Very sweet and cute pieces! Well done!
Love your earrings and I love all of your pieces. Your polymer clay is beautiful. I just loved the little terrarium.
You are such a creative soul. I love what you did with the beads. You used the soup in such an inventive way.
Be blessed to be a blessing
Very sweet designs!
Too adorable for words! Soup-er!
your creations look "yummy"
Very whimsical, unique and creative designs. Love the little terrarium!
So fun and cute!
beautiful pieces
lovely pieces...nice job.
I think ♥ nice & sweet♥ are the words for me to describe your creations...
I'm loving the terrarium bracelet - great job!
Fun soup! I really like what you did...so cute and creative!
I am in love with those cupcake earrings. All your pieces are just lovely.
Love the polymer beads that you created to compliment your soup. Your creations are very cute!
Your miniatures are exquisite. You've done some very creative things with your soup :) Christie
Love all the earrings. So Cute
OMG those owl earrings! And I've never heard of that kind of doll before -- you have to message me about them because I love dolls. You are always SO creative and your incredibly miniature miniatures you've sent me over the years have places of honor in my collections of awesome things.
I am so glad you participated again!!!
I love your pieces...they are so lovely
Lovely work - thanks so much for sharing it with us!
Hannah Rosner
What a great idea. I love it.
Pretty necklace and lots of pretty earrings. Well done!
Cute little cakes! I love the faux tulip in the glass idea. And how nice to be inspired by that positive message. Thank you for sharing your talent with the 8th Bead Soup! Enjoy the day. Erin
Sweet pieces ... so many treasures to look at :)
I love all your pieces. The cupcake earrings are so adorable.
What charming designs you created with your soup and your own polymer clay work. The cupcake earrings are especially delightful.
Visions of cupcakes danced in my head. How creative and clever.
OMG... Cupcake earrings! And the owls! I love the feminine sweetness of your polymer clay work... great stuff!
I can see you enjoyed your soup as much as I enjoyed mine :) Those owl earrings are just beyond adorable!
I like the necklace just fine but those earrings are so much fun! Love 'em.
What a stunning and eclectic necklace. Very, very funky and fun!
Cute, cute, cute!
Very cute pieces....mmmm cupcakes!
I can see that you had fun creating all those pretties.. and they are cute!!
Everything is just darling - you made some really cute and creative pieces.
Your polymer clay beads are fantastic ... hope the ones I'm working on come out half as good as yours =)
Amber - such delightful pieces. And so edible - ha. I like your sense of humour. Rose
Oh, my, your miniatures are adorable! And so are the designs - pretty and eye candy :)
Such sweet pieces!!! You did a really cool job with all of the designs!!! Have a Blessed Day!
Such cute pieces. You're clay beads to accent all the soup you got are so cute. Very sweet.
Fun to see all the polymer work you did to make your soup pieces. Very creative!
Wonderful miniatures. Lots of fun and creative pieces.
You are sooooo very creative! I love the little miniatures esp the owl & flower earring sets. I really like the nature necklace with the tulip!:)
Looks like you have used up most of your beads and you had great fun with it. Great use of the soup you have been given.
Amber, I love the little owl earrings, they are adorable! And your polymer clay pieces are amazing.
Very creative. Looks like you had a lot of fun designing!
Yummies, you created literally cute pieces!
Those cupcake polymer beads are adorable. You're very creative!
How do I choose? You made some amazing things... the cake necklace is wonderful, but for me it was the micro terrarium Earrings that stole my heart!! WONDERFUL!!!! ~KM
I just wanted to eat your creations lol. So cute and clever.
Your pieces are so yummy!!! such a unique design!
Love the cupcake earrings and your use of components to enhance your bead soup.
What fun creations, very unique. Well done
what ADORABLE pieces! i love the cupcakes and the tulips. SO Sweet and adorable!
Linda A.
Your pieces are wonderful - especially with your awesome poly clay pieces you made. Great work!
Hello Dear One, I was so excited to see you were in this round. We have known each other for awhile... I have always admired your whimsy with such accurate precision to detail. Keep keeping on - you rock!
Love your polymer creations that you add to your soup. Especially the owls.
Your polymer work is so sweet! Love the blessing chest and the owls, and the sweet dolls hat!
No fair! I suddenly have a craving for chocolates! Adorable pieces!
I love how you made your beadsoup very much your own by using it to make your wonderful concoctions!!
Hi Amber, Your miniature food. Using a doll on the necklace shows creativity and uniqueness. is adorable. Those earrings look good enough to eat. LOL. Your wire work is wonderful too. The blessings sign is very appropriate. The terrarium is an inventive idea. You made wonderful designs from your soup ingredients.
Adorable and fun !!!
Beautiful work! Your wirework deserves admiration! So thoughtful of you to make that "Blessings" bead! I love the Nature pieces!
your creations are dreamy, you are truly skilled! I like how you mixed up "serious"stones with your lovely creations
Wow! You made a whole lot of beautiful pieces! I especially love the cupcake earrings. So cute!
What super cute pieces you created!! Those owl earrings are kickin' but the whole lot is really great.
Amber Dawn, you are so creative and skilled with the polymer clay. I love what you created with your soup. The owl earrings are cute too.
those cupcakes rock!! YummY!!
Awesome art jewelry!
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