Saturday, December 26, 2009

And the winner is... #12

~*Happy Holidays to those still celebrating all over the world!*~

~*The winner of this Holiday Giveaway is ~*#12*~ Brenda Bliss*~

Please let me know which selection you would like me to send you.

Friday, December 18, 2009

~*Holiday Giveaway!*~ Leave a comment to enter the drawing!

~*For my December giveaway, I invite you to leave me a comment to enter. You can write whatever you want, as much or as little as you want.*~

The winner will be given a choice between 3 gifts.
1- An assortment of beads and findings
2- An assortment of Steampunk and vintage items to use in assemblage or mixed media jewelry work.
3- Charm making supplies.

Monday, December 07, 2009

I really need more charm makers to join!

Please, if you might be able to join the storybook theme charm swap due January 8th please let me know!
We need a couple more to join us!

~*Thank you!*~

Monday, November 30, 2009

Story Book Theme swap with RED as the focal... Extended till January 8th 2010!

Deadline has been extended to January 8th.

Make 10 with your name and email address for the swap and send 1 extra with no tag or wrapping so that I can use it for the bracelet or necklace that will be auctioned off in HOLLYWOOD!


We still need a couple more artists to join!

Please let me know if you are interested!
Mail along with $3.00 for return postage and email me your mailing info so that I can copy/paste it when I print out the return shipping label.

to:Amber Dawn

PO BOX 770354


NY 11377

(((Holly Moylan, I do not have your email address that's why you never hear back from me. please leave it in the comment section.)))

I will be hosting a charm swap this fall-winter for the Life Through Art foundation.

The theme will be story books, however each charm must have RED as the focal color.

Red Shoes?
Red Apples?
Red Riding hood?
Red Wagon?
Red Dog?
Red Hearts?
Red Sky?
Red Dress?
Find a story book you love and incorporate your spin on the imagery, characters, objects within the book etc. Add a tag or print up mentioning your inspiration and be sure to make your charms with the color RED as the focal or main accent color.
The size of each charm MUST be smaller than 1 inch including the jumpring and any extras you might like to add. 1 inch in total size.
The number of charms to swap will be 10 pieces per person with a commitment to send an extra charm as a donation.
The quality of your work will need to be your best work because the charms that are sent as extras will be auctioned at a fundraiser in HOLLYWOOD!
Ooh so glamorous!
Please pass the word on.
The swaps will be due January 8th so you have time to think about this one.
Please leave me a comment or email me to let me know if you would like to join in.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I believe because I have proof. I have faith because I want to believe.- Amber Dawn

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A good tip to making lots of sales...

If I've learned anything worthwhile about selling my art work in the past, that you might benefit from-
If you see someone REALLY loves something you made, their face lights up beyond compare or they stare in wonder and you see that they cannot afford it, LOWER YOUR PRICE. Better to sell something to someone who will appreciate your time and hard work. Your materials are always replaceable, your talent will be with you for life... Touching another person with your talent, generosity and kindness will bring you GREAT rewards afterwards.
Making a sale is easy if you are talented and make good work. Making someone happy each time they look at your work is PRICELESS!

Always make your work well.
Make your work sturdy.
Keep your work free of terrible smells.
Price your work at a price that *YOU* would be *HAPPY* to pay if you were the customer. If *YOU* wouldn't pay what you are charging, why should someone else?
Sell what you love. Be brave and enjoy selling your work at affordable prices. You will sell more in the long run, if your work is made well, interesting and good.

I am always happier after a sale if I sold my work to a happy customer. The money on it's own, never makes me happy. I feel nothing from the money at all. A happy and friendly customer is what I will keep with me. And it will keep them coming back or sending their friends and family to you as well.
A good word from the right person is all it will take to make you popular in the ring of sales.

And remember, for those that may be desperate to make money to pay bills and feed the family... Keeping prices too high to compensate will only keep customers away.
To reap more, be more generous!
It's a law of nature, the more you give, the more you get!

I am THANKFUL for so many good and talented online connections!
Happy Holidays all!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


While robbing a home, a burglar hears someone say, ''Jesus is watching you.'' To his relief, he realizes it is just a parrot mimicking something it had heard.

The burglar asks the parrot, ''What's your name?'' The parrot says, ''Moses.''

The burglar goes on to ask, ''What kind of person names their parrot Moses?''

The parrot replies, ''The same kind of person that names his Rottweiler Jesus.''

Thursday, November 19, 2009


For the first time in a long time, I dropped out of a swap at the very last minute... I wasn't pleased with my product and decided not to trade.

So, for the sake of making use of the work that I put into the 'zine, I would like to share some of it here.

The entire zine is meant to be taken apart, cut up, used and then shared or worn.

These are just a few of the pages.



Friday, November 13, 2009

~*Can you afford $1.00?*~

I just joined a Movember team! RAISING awareness of male forms of cancer...
Help FIGHT against prostate cancer~
~*Would you please donate to my team? We don't get any of the money, it goes to charity!*~
If you would support my effort, please click directly on my link here-
Amber Dawn the Mo'Sita!
Visa MC Discover!
Never heard of Movember?
Please go HERE<-----

~*Thank you!!!*~

Amber Dawn

Friday, November 06, 2009

A thought I shared on a thread last night...

"If we could eliminate all other reactions in a human, the one based on familiarity, of excitement because of LOVE... is why we are who we are.
We were designed to be excited explorers about experiences and share with our heart seeking to kindle the hearts and minds of others.
In the end, what we are left with is an undeniable urge to remain loved and entertain while we are entertained and connect.
((This is also why Facebook is so successful!))"
-Amber Dawn
This was written in response to a post made by another person online.
I liked it enough to post it here so I could remember what I said.

(((Journalist William D. Tammeus wrote, "You don't understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents everytime around and why his parents will always wave back.")))<---That is what started the thread.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

~*SPECIAL FUNDRAISER FOR SOPHIA!*~Click to read more closely...

This poor kid is SO cute, but not well at all.
She is in need of a life saving procedure that Insurance will not cover.
If you are in the area on Sunday November 8th, you are welcome to join the family for this event.
If you are unable to attend, the family asks for your prayers and good thoughts.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So, here is some inspiration for you!
I am not done with any charms just yet, but here is a shop on Etsy that has PERFECT images for this sort of swap! Most have RED in the coloring!
~*Click here to get to Brendee's shop*~

I will be adding a button for all participants to share on their sites and blogs.
Please, if you are interested, leave a comment and or email me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The storybook charm swap is not a book charm swap.

The charm can be made of any sturdy and clean material that is not going to rot, rust or fade when worn.

This is not a book charm swap. It is a charm swap based on ideas, people, characters and things from storybooks.
RED must also be a part of your charm as well.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beau Ideal will be making a come back in 2010!

Issue #4 is being reworked (for the 3rd time) and I really hope to have it ready prior to Valentines day!
I am pretty thrilled about my layouts and have been working hard on the boarders and inserts!

~*~ It's just lovely and fun! ~*~

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I need ideas, help and prayers!

Someone I know needs my help to organize a last minute fundraiser.

I need your help!

A girl who is less than 4 has advanced aplastic anemia.
It's not getting better. $30,000.00 needs to be raised ASAP and if you have any great ideas, please let me know!
I want to help her in any way possible!
Nov. 8th will be the event. Not yet sure what will be going on, but any ideas or help is appreciated!!!!

Thank you!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A winner!

I will be picking another winner from my FB list soon.

For now, here is the winner from my Google followers list, from the box to the right-


You won some goodies that are PERFECT for ~*you*~ this time of year!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hollywood RED carpet STORYBOOK charm swap!

I will be hosting a charm swap this fall-winter for the Life Through Art foundation.

The theme will be story books, however each charm must have RED as the focal color.

Red Shoes?
Red Apples?
Red Riding hood?
Red Wagon?
Red Dog?
Red Hearts?
Red Sky?
Red Dress?
Find a story book you love and incorporate your spin on the imagery, characters, objects within the book etc. Add a tag or print up mentioning your inspiration and be sure to make your charms with the color RED as the focal or main accent color.
The size of each charm MUST be smaller than 1 inch including the jumpring and any extras you might like to add. 1 inch in total size.
The number of charms to swap will be 5-10 pieces per person with a commitment to send an extra charm as a donation. Depending on the number of people who sign up, the number may be slightly higher or perhaps more than one group per skill level will be set up.
There will be 2 groups, advanced charm makers and beginner charm makers.
The quality of both groups will need to be your best work because the charms that are sent as extras will be auctioned at a fundraiser in HOLLYWOOD!
Ooh so glamorous!
More details will follow, I am just getting you warmed up to the idea.
Please pass the word on.
The swaps will be due the first week of December so you have time to think about this one.
Please leave me a comment or email me to let me know if you would like to join in.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Keep this seller name handy!-


That is where Kelly Snelling, co-author of "A Charming Exchange", will be listing the collaborative pieces from the book for auction on Ebay!
100% of the money will be going towards Breast Cancer research.


~*Thank you!*~

Saturday, October 03, 2009

To sleep? No, not to sleep...

What do you get when you live in a very
noisy place and not much sleep? Me, on
the computer, sitting in the dark, messing
around with images... :oD
I can laugh at and WITH myself.
Thought I would share this with you too...
Laugh at me or with me, it's up to you! XD

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Think Pinks! (((:::Pat Winter Posted!:::)))

Sorry to be behind on posting a picture but I just found one on Pat Winter's blog!
(((:::Thanks for sharing Pat! --- *smiles* :::)))
Some of my charms varied so some may post fabric or metal cage charms too.
The one pictured here is made with an antiqued gold button with embroidery, porcelain and Swarovski crystals along with pearl dangles and a gold plated finding.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Picking a blog follower to win at the end of October!

I will be including names from both of my followers lists. If you follow my blog, and you aren't already on one of them, there is still time

One day, Monday...

Today is "One day"...

"One day, I will be happy."
"One day, I will see them again."
"One day, I will be out of my $20,000.00+ debt."
"One day, I will have my best friends that I lost along the way back in my life."
"One day, I will be able to accept my scars/flaws/short comings."
"One day, all of this pain wont sting."

Today has been one of those days!



I've been productive.
Carving wood, painting, sculpting, being an artist.
Being me.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

WOW! see this!

Pretty cool stop motion animation/painting!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In honor of my favorite aunt who left our world today,

We will miss her and her very sweet
and loving personality.

She was my main inspiration to begin
merchandising, taking me to trade shows
when I was just 11 years old.

She was also a jewelry maker and fun person
to know.

My sister and I enjoyed it when our aunt would sing this to us along with drawing a curl on our foreheads with her finger and tickling our tummies at the very end.

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Forgot to post the photo...The white table...

I didn't have time to repaint it, but everyone who sees it in person says that I should leave it as is. (Shabby chic-ish)
(((:::Solid wood!:::)))

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Exciting news!!!
Jewelry from the book "A Charming Exchange" will be available to bid on at auction NEXT MONTH!!!
Are you excited?

(((:::I AM!:::)))

Go here for more details---> A Charming Exchange!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Waiting on one more Think Pink parcel...

Think Pink charm swappers, I believe that I should be getting the missing parcel that I have been waiting for either today or tomorrow.
It's been a lovely swap to host and I am looking forward to creating a final piece for the Susan G Komen fundraiser via Monica Magness.

Interesting article that you might find interesting....

Interesting article- the theory of how friends and people around you not only affect one another but also those who are 3 degrees away as well. Read the first 3 pages at least. Involves smoking, health, cheer, grief, obesity, fitness, etc.

Some of the tests done are really speculative, however, while reading I myself noticed similar behavior patterns and social effects among people in my own circles of concern and general region.
Let's not forget that there are emotional and spiritual ties among one another. This also tunes into the effects of social behavior and affects the outcome of day to day living as well as long term adjustments that may be made, coincidental, or based on actual ties that bind.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Would you consider?.....

If you are in a situation where you have more craft and beading supplies than you could possibly ever use.
Would you consider making up little bundles of NICE THINGS- not your craft junk!- to share with those who are less fortunate than you, or who might be in a depressed funk this holiday season?

I really feel and believe strongly about this.

I myself will be making small bundles of supplies and wrapping them up really pretty and setting them aside for the fast approaching winter season.

Maybe you can share one pack of mixed beads, some strong stringing material and clasps?
Enough supplies to make something out of...

Be generous.
Many creative children out there would LOVE to have your scrap papers and extra pens and pencils.

Just be sure to think your gifts through. Taking special care to include colorful and cheerful items if you have them.
If you could, add on an encouraging note or pretty tag. Personalize the gift.

Let your imagination fly!

Please note, I am not asking you to send me anything. I am asking you to gather up goods, make them into gift bundles and then find the right people and children to share them with *in you own circle of friends and town of neighbors*.

It's good and healthy!

Candace guessed correctly!

-... .-.. .- -.. -.. . .-.

Is the correct answer!

Thank you for playing along!!!

That was my first blog riddle.
Stay tuned for more soon!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Riddle me this-----

.-- .... .. -.-. .... / -... --- -.. -.-- / .--. .- .-. - / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / .... . .-.. .--. / -.-- --- ..- / --. . - / .--. .-. --- --. .-. . ... ... .. ...- . .-.. -.-- / .... .. --. .... . .-. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / .-. . -- --- ...- . / .--- ..- ... - / --- -. . / -.-. --- -. ... --- -. .- -. -Riddle by, Amber Dawn

Friday, September 11, 2009

~*Find of the day!*~

YAY! I found the prettiest wooden table/bench that was being loaded into a demolition container (AKA dumpster). I asked the guy, who was neatly loading the bin, for it and he smiled. I carried it home, in the rain for 5 blocks and now my arms feel like noodles!
I just finished disinfecting it and am admiring the work that someone put into it. Worth every bit of muscle soreness I will probably get tomorrow!
I look forward to maybe stripping it or painting it, we'll see.

The nice thing is, just yesterday I imagined a table/bench similar to this one right where it is currently stationed in my home. This one is prettier!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

~*Lisa Gatz*~ is the winner-

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2009-09-08 05:52:59 UTC

Audra hasn't gotten back to me so I ran the number generator
again and got #75. That is Lisa Gatz! You have until Friday to get in touch with me to claim your prize!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

And the winner is... #28

The September winner picked from my blog follower's list is
~*Audra of Green Meadow Lane!*~
You have until Monday to get back to me to claim your prize!

It's a handmade charm bracelet!

Monday, August 31, 2009

A distant moment- A fresh memory,

I feel it, as the magic tugs deeply at my soul... The garden calls to me and bekons me to sow... Then nature divides and begins again, anew.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~*True friends stab you in the front.-Oscar Wilde*~

~*True friends stab you in the front.-Oscar Wilde*~

Now, before you get all huffy and tell me that a true friend would never stab you at all...
Consider that a true friend will tell you to your face when you are in the wrong about something very important or socially... Rather than cut you up with words behind your back.
So there. A true friend opens their mouth and SAYS it to your face!

I like to be corrected.
I enjoy criticism!
ESPECIALLY from people who love me!

How else can I learn to be a better human being? A better Artist? A better friend?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I like it when ideas bounce around.
Sometimes, when I'm not ready to execute my thoughts into a tangible form, the ideas maintain a random bounce and often return again at an opportune time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Open theme in Charmed_Designs

(((The color part with the face is the paper signature and info tag that the charms are attached to.)))

Punched & stamped metal heart charms with peacock crystals and metal beads.

Charm swap- Jackie's "Quotable" theme

I used Japanese doll house food and arranged plates of food
that I do not normally indulge in. :o)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Last call for Think Pink charms!

SO many people asked to join and SO many people also dropped out at the last minute!
We went from almost 30 participants to less than 9!

All you have to do is send in 12 nicely made mostly PINK charms and you'll get 10 back.
The extra 2 will be used to help raise funds over on Girl Gone Thread Wild (Monica Magness)

If you forgot that you signed up and are reading this, it's not too late!
PLEASE join us!!!!
We need your help!

Details can be found here-

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Have you ever gone WAY back and found the roots to your roots?

I've often been very curious why certain people and I are connected in profound ways.
Why I can feel their energy from across vast expanses of land or even across large bodies of water.

I just feel connected.

One day, while I was sitting alone thinking about my own family history and wondering how possible it would be for me to share common ancestors with these specific people I started to doodle.

I then started doing a math and visual calculation of how many people had to get married or have an affair in order for my life to be here at this very moment.

What I came up with, if in fact it is accurate, was amazing to me.

It took me some time to think it through, but what I discovered (as I said before, if I did this right) is that 21 generations ago, I had great/x19 (ex. great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great) grandparents- that were made up of 2,097,152 people...

1,048.576 boys/men and 1,048,576 girls/woman.

That is to say that it took, 20-21 generations ago, TWO MILLION NINETY SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO people to get together and have babies that would then get together and have their own babies and so on, to make *ME*.

If you had that many people *21* generations ago, getting together from all over the land/world, how possible is it then that many of us in fact do share more than one common ancestor(s)?

Now here is the brain buster.
That was just the number of people that had to get together 21 generations before me.
But now consider the fact that those people had children and their children had children and those- continue on for 20 generations... you add those all up because they are your great x20, x19, x18..... all the way down to the third generation right before you (your own grand parents which are just 4 people and your own parents which are 2 people)...and if I haven't lost your attention, and if I am being clear about this... listen to this!-
You have(((Only doing this starting from the people in your family tree going back just 21 generations)))
FOUR MILLION ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND TWO people all getting into a relationship of some sort who then became YOUR BLOOD FAMILY.!!!!!! And that does not include the brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles. This is just you, your parents, your parents' parents and their parents' parents etc.
4,194,302 people made you... ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE made ~*YOU*~ That is 2,097,151 joint couples, joint hearts, joined bodies to make ~*YOU!*~

Just an interesting fact I came up with last year which I found in a pile of papers I was just cleaning up right now. (I can throw this paper in the trash now!)

So now, it's a bit more clear, my life that is, that no matter who I am next to on line, in a theater, at a store, any place I am... I am usually as kind to that person as I would be to my own family.
Because in my heart and mind I am convinced that somewhere down the line, we are related. If not actually by blood, we have shared ancestors that may have been best friends growing up, special people who cared for each other in old age, team mates, friends in battle, their ancestor might have saved mine at some point.
The picture is so deep and so beautiful and so amazing that I really have no words to describe the depth that I feel within my own heart.

It's just amazing.

(((Feel free to correct me if I have made any errors! If you figured this out in a better way than I have, please let me know.
Also spelling corrections would help too if you have found any.)))

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So true.

Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.
R. W. Emerson; Art, 1841

It's often sad when people question the motives of a plain dealing person.
Why must there be a hidden motive?

Those with good common sense are cool

Good laughter! Esther in France & Joseph in India!

I just had some really smart and funny messages sent to me re: my laptop mishap.
To better explain the set up and HOW I could so easily knock this thing over...
Imagine a wooden bar stool less that 2 feet high in front of a couch.
That is how I keep the laptop while I am working in the living room.

Since I almost knocked it over *again* after I posted my last message I was able to remember my first mistake and stop myself really quick from doing it again!

I cross my legs while I work on my jewelry and charms. Earlier, I uncrossed my foot while not looking at where I was swinging my leg and that is when it caught the underside of the cooling mat which hangs over the stool seat edge and under the laptop. The whole thing flew to the floor with impressive speed... eeek!

I hope that visual explanation helps!

I've been keeping my lap top like this for a while, but for some reason tonight I was just so distracted!

An interesting discovery!- There is a little computer chip now exposed between the screen and the keyboard. I never knew that it was there before!

Thank you lilibule and Joseph for making me laugh!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

OUCH! I just dropped my laptop and the screen half popped off and...

ouch ouch ouch!!!

I was sitting here, happily reading emails and watching a movie when my hand or foot, I'm not even sure(!) knocked over my poor computer!!! Crashed to the floor, cooling mat slamming on top of it.


I do feel happy that the screen is still working because it cracked off of the unit, but hey here I am venting to all who care to read what I am saying!

Thank you for listening.

The shock just wore off and I feel much better!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Smart kids ask questions.
-Marie Washington

Friday, August 07, 2009

~*WINNER!*~ The August Winner is #85

~*The winner of the month is GoldBettyBoop from the UK!*~

You get to choose what you wish and I look forward to hearing from you
Congrats to you!
(((:::Throws confetti:::)))
(((:::Noise makers whir:::)))


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Picking the August winner from the followers list this week. Add yourself if you are interested!

I'll be picking a winner from the followers list this week.
If you follow my blog using another service and are not listed on the right hand side of the blog, the part that says "followers" please add yourself now.
You need to follow publicly for me to see that you are there
The winner can choose from the following-

1~ Assorted Japanese seed beads 4 colors in *tiny* vials with tiny corks.- The vials can be used to make adorable charms!
2~ 3 yards of hand dyed silk ribbons made by, Pat Winter.
3~ A mystery assortment of findings beads and trims.
4~ An assortment of 5 handmade charms that I have gotten
in swaps that other people have hosted.
5~ A custom designed tag for you to use with your art work, trades or sales!
It will be sent to you as a PDF file if you would like.

This follower request is to allow those who already do, the chance to be entered into my monthly drawing.
I am not asking people to add themselves if they do not already or will start to follow this blog.
Please only add yourself if you visit from time to time.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

S.T.E.M. Bounce is now #2 on the IMN network and #1 elsewhere I am SURE!

Do you remember Michael Damian from the 80s and 90s?
He performed "Rock On" on MTV?
Here he is hosting on IMN and announcing Bounce on the show. Go to Mainstream- Segment #3


Hosted by Michael Damian w/Jason Rennebu


I'm telling you people, this band is talented!
You may not like progressive rock- but these boys ::::clears throat:::: I mean *men* are going to make it big doing creative things!

I'm also hoping that their music can cut through the slime, goop and muck that is griming up the airwaves these days on main stream radio!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

I love this animated movie!

I never posted about how much I *LOVE/Adore/really appreciate* The Triplets of Belleville. (Not for little kids)

Someone bought it for me last night and I have it on in the background right now.

There is nothing else like it and if you can make it through to the end without getting bored, let me know what you think of it!

I give this movie 2 thumbs up with a twinkling eye grin!


~*My books!*~

Just curious if anyone here would be interested in any of the books I am creating?
One is on how to make fun and innovative art to wear charms and charm jewelry.
One is about my mixed media art to wear and display/decor.
And the other is a compilation of my graphics, philosophy, and zine pages!

Just curious if I have any potential readers?

~*Anyone out there?*~

Friday, July 31, 2009

My carpenter is the one wearing the racing stripes.
(11 years ago)
Although my furniture is STILL in progress, it's being used!