Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~*True friends stab you in the front.-Oscar Wilde*~

~*True friends stab you in the front.-Oscar Wilde*~

Now, before you get all huffy and tell me that a true friend would never stab you at all...
Consider that a true friend will tell you to your face when you are in the wrong about something very important or socially... Rather than cut you up with words behind your back.
So there. A true friend opens their mouth and SAYS it to your face!

I like to be corrected.
I enjoy criticism!
ESPECIALLY from people who love me!

How else can I learn to be a better human being? A better Artist? A better friend?


  1. I have read that quote before and knew right away that I agreed. Oscar Wilde spoke many truisms, didn't he.

  2. Love this post! So...true!
    Linda :)

  3. I agree with this... better to be upfront with the truth than laughing and bitching at your expense behind your back...


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