Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Picking the August winner from the followers list this week. Add yourself if you are interested!

I'll be picking a winner from the followers list this week.
If you follow my blog using another service and are not listed on the right hand side of the blog, the part that says "followers" please add yourself now.
You need to follow publicly for me to see that you are there
The winner can choose from the following-

1~ Assorted Japanese seed beads 4 colors in *tiny* vials with tiny corks.- The vials can be used to make adorable charms!
2~ 3 yards of hand dyed silk ribbons made by, Pat Winter.
3~ A mystery assortment of findings beads and trims.
4~ An assortment of 5 handmade charms that I have gotten
in swaps that other people have hosted.
5~ A custom designed tag for you to use with your art work, trades or sales!
It will be sent to you as a PDF file if you would like.

This follower request is to allow those who already do, the chance to be entered into my monthly drawing.
I am not asking people to add themselves if they do not already or will start to follow this blog.
Please only add yourself if you visit from time to time.


  1. Please enter me in your giveaway. I just starting to get involved with charms, and I love what YOU do.

  2. Hi Amber!! I have you on my sidebar in my blog roll since the international charm day....I guess I'd better put your inventive soul blog on the sidebar!!!! You have always been so kind, and you have taught me a lot, about charms,mixed media, and making some incredible friends since then!
    Thanks for the opportunity of your giveaway!!
    BTW, I would be very interested in a book if you wrote one.....and you should, your awesome!

  3. Thanks Amber for giving me a shout back...I am on your followers, I changed my avatar a while ago to the bird!! anyhoo, thanks again!

  4. you are so generous amber!! as always!!

  5. Your goodies are always fun!I think it's time for me to have a giveaway soon!

  6. you totally and completely rock. :)


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