Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Good laughter! Esther in France & Joseph in India!

I just had some really smart and funny messages sent to me re: my laptop mishap.
To better explain the set up and HOW I could so easily knock this thing over...
Imagine a wooden bar stool less that 2 feet high in front of a couch.
That is how I keep the laptop while I am working in the living room.

Since I almost knocked it over *again* after I posted my last message I was able to remember my first mistake and stop myself really quick from doing it again!

I cross my legs while I work on my jewelry and charms. Earlier, I uncrossed my foot while not looking at where I was swinging my leg and that is when it caught the underside of the cooling mat which hangs over the stool seat edge and under the laptop. The whole thing flew to the floor with impressive speed... eeek!

I hope that visual explanation helps!

I've been keeping my lap top like this for a while, but for some reason tonight I was just so distracted!

An interesting discovery!- There is a little computer chip now exposed between the screen and the keyboard. I never knew that it was there before!

Thank you lilibule and Joseph for making me laugh!

1 comment:

  1. lol.. YOU make me laugh amber.. and the visual explanation is totaly what i've imagined when i road your message.. héhéhéhé!!


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