Saturday, August 01, 2009

~*My books!*~

Just curious if anyone here would be interested in any of the books I am creating?
One is on how to make fun and innovative art to wear charms and charm jewelry.
One is about my mixed media art to wear and display/decor.
And the other is a compilation of my graphics, philosophy, and zine pages!

Just curious if I have any potential readers?

~*Anyone out there?*~


  1. Are you kidding? Count me in as a reader/buyer.

  2. i'm pretty sure there's a lot more that just the two of us. :)

  3. Well I would definitely, don't delay, go for it!

  4. I will be your first reader! Love your work and I would love to have a book with not only pics, but tutorials. Your attention to detail is unsurpassed and I want to learn from you!

  5. I'd love the charms and multi-media. BTW, I'm so sorry about the thread charms. I totally understand you sending them back. I had no idea those dang grommets would be so smelly. They weren't like that until they got all boxed up. Guess I don't try new things at the last minute. The box of gromments have been tossed!


  6. Pam, I sure hope that you did not throw away the $3.00 I returned to you!
    I paid for the shipping because I didn't even want to keep the cash since it smelled so strong.

  7. I know I'd be interested in the 3rd book. I think it would be wonderful as I have a lot of your zines. The other two topics sound spot on for the times right now. I'm wanting something to help in the charms area!

  8. I'd be very interested!!!
    Linda :)


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!