Monday, September 14, 2009

Would you consider?.....

If you are in a situation where you have more craft and beading supplies than you could possibly ever use.
Would you consider making up little bundles of NICE THINGS- not your craft junk!- to share with those who are less fortunate than you, or who might be in a depressed funk this holiday season?

I really feel and believe strongly about this.

I myself will be making small bundles of supplies and wrapping them up really pretty and setting them aside for the fast approaching winter season.

Maybe you can share one pack of mixed beads, some strong stringing material and clasps?
Enough supplies to make something out of...

Be generous.
Many creative children out there would LOVE to have your scrap papers and extra pens and pencils.

Just be sure to think your gifts through. Taking special care to include colorful and cheerful items if you have them.
If you could, add on an encouraging note or pretty tag. Personalize the gift.

Let your imagination fly!

Please note, I am not asking you to send me anything. I am asking you to gather up goods, make them into gift bundles and then find the right people and children to share them with *in you own circle of friends and town of neighbors*.

It's good and healthy!


  1. a beautiful idea Amber. And, you seem to be pretty well connected, so if you know of kids you should let us know too. I give as much as I can to some of my kids here. I have 2 sisters who come from the saddest background who I will do that for this year.

  2. Good Idea!

    I frequently take items..yarn, fabric etc to the retirement day center (for lack of a better term). Many of the older ladies knit, crochet and sew philanthropically and my donations are always welcome.

  3. Amen to that! I do this often and it is rewarding for all. You my dear are a giving QUEEN! I am still working on a special project for you which I must finish very soon. I know you shared from your heart, but my heart was touched so deeply and beat so strongly when your surprise lot arrived that I wanted yours to do the same :-)
    Hugs and smiles,

  4. I love your idea and have many items to put together into little packages. I have no idea where to donate them in my area. I have searched on the internet as well. If you know of a place or places where they can be sent, please let me know. thanks so much..


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