Thursday, November 19, 2009


For the first time in a long time, I dropped out of a swap at the very last minute... I wasn't pleased with my product and decided not to trade.

So, for the sake of making use of the work that I put into the 'zine, I would like to share some of it here.

The entire zine is meant to be taken apart, cut up, used and then shared or worn.

These are just a few of the pages.




  1. Amber, You shouldn't have dropped out, what I see is wonderful! You are too critical of your talents. This was quite interesting to me. It was however very generous of you to share this.

  2. Wow! I thought "I" was self critical...I always LOVE LOVE LOVE your zines! What did you find offensive here? AND thanks for the peak!

  3. I find it hard to believe you made charms "not up to par" but thanks so much for sharing these pages with us!! They are wonderful!

  4. I signed up for Alma Stoller's zine swap.
    I Heart Zines.

    The thing is, it looks better on screen than my printer made it look.
    My husband asked me *after* I had already printed and bound all of my copies if I was going to fix the images that were too light.
    *my heart sunk*
    It was too light and small to read in some places. The printed versions are 4x4 inches... So I didn't send them for the swap. I didn't want to make Alma feel bad or any of the artists/writers in the exchange who got one that it was a cheap trade.

    Sharon, it was my printed maga'zine', not charms.
    Thank you Pat! :o) I am critical of the printed version. I love my digital version, that is why I am posting it to my blog.
    Gypsy, nothing was offensive, but I was concerned that those who got my printed versions would find them cheap looking and hard to read/see.

  5. Amber, Looks great to me...I miss your Zines. They were so full of techniques and ideas..are copies of this avalable? Jan

  6. Jan, I made 10 copies for the swap. :o)
    They are all sitting on a table in my art room looking for an adoptive home!

  7. Amber
    Thank you soooo much for sharing these! Were these pages from your swap, or is this from an actual 'Zine available for purchase...and where? These pages you did are wonderful...and I'd love to try out the caged charm! Thanks again! ;-)

  8. Hi Cindy, I made 10 copies for the swap but didn't send them- All of them will need to find a home!



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