Friday, April 24, 2009

~*The 2010 Diary Project!*~ WOW 2010 that is so futuristic sounding to me!

It is that time of the year when Lucy puts the call out for all to consider designing a page in a daily International calendar.
I posted about this last year!
"Diary project 2009"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time keeps on ticking... Into the future...

Today is my last day of being a full 33 RPM (rotations per minute) The following day I will be 10 more than 24... And that is a magic number...(said in sing song)

~*Please join me- An Online International Event Invitation*~4/28

~*I am celebrating art to wear charms, friendship, designing, random acts of kindness, hording, creativity, and my online charm swap and exchange community.*~

~*PLEASE JOIN ME!*~April 28th ALL day
It's free!
You can win some wonderful prizes!
Here is a list- Prizes include charm making supplies, semi precious beads, components, findings, an autographed copy of "A Charming Exchange", Swarovski rhinestones, lace, hand dyed silk ribbons by Pat Winter, sequins, watch parts, laser cut wood shapes from "Pork Chop Show" AND MORE!

There will be blogs to visit that feature entries about charms, photos, tutorials, sales and lots more!

If you want to be a part of the celebration, please go to and join the "Follower" box.
On the right side of the blog, with all of the tiny pictures of other bloggers, who also follow.
You cannot win a prize if you are not a follower.
This will be an annual holiday event, so if you miss out on it this year, you are invited back again next year!

Monday, April 20, 2009

You might win- An Autographed Copy of A Charming Exchange if...

If you are a follower of the International Charm Day blog- (by following on the blog's actual "follower" widget)
You might win- An Autographed Copy of A Charming Exchange
Signed by Kelly & Ruth!
You must be listed on the followers widget on the right side bar on that blog.
Just click it to be added and follow the directions!
Followers using other services cannot be seen, so unless you actually "follow" using that widget, you are not going to be entered into any of the drawings for this event!
If you need help, leave a comment.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

~*PLEASE HELP!!!$$$$*~

~*PLEASE HELP!!!$$$$*~ This is for a dear friend's husband. JoAnna Pierotti is such a loving person. Her husband has a massive brain tumor and it MUST be removed ASAP. They lost their medical coverage when he lost his job so they need our help... As much of it as we can share- If you cannot share money, please consider praying for something wonderful to happen.

Even if it is just .50 cents or if you could afford more, please let's pitch in to help her in this desperate race for time!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Participants of International Charm Day... The link is fixed

If you would like to participate in my celebration of 4/28 as International Charm day, please become a follower on the blog I am setting up for this event-

I'll be giving away some amazing prizes to those who follow the event.

I am also looking for artists, crafters and designers who would like me to list them as participants on the side bar.
Do you have a discount to offer on materials to make charms?
I will advertise you!


Do you have charm jewelry that you've made that you would like to share picture of?
How about things around your house that you have embellished with charms?
Do you have a charm making tutorial that you would like to share and be featured?
Let me know!
Thank you!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Take a minute for an inspiratonal surprise...

WATCH THIS!!!! <----Click here.

I am not going to say what it is about, but you have no reason to be disappointed.

Make sure you have your volume on and watch all the way through!
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

I started a new blog for the special event and will be posting about it more soon.
Keep passing on the news.
Giveaways, a gallery of charm photos, links, tutorials, fun fun fun!
~*International Charm Day!*~

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Let's see if this works! Charm button/link Please read the linking directions...

In celebration of International Charm Day, I will be giving away handmade art charms and charm making supplies on 4/28 and 4/29

I will be posting special blog posts in the weeks ahead for all to enter a chance to win some FUN giveaways of charm supplies, chains and findings!

If you post about "International Charm Day, April 28th" and or you post about your own handmade art charms to your own blog on 4/28 you can be entered to win some of my own handmade art charms!

More details will follow.

Pass on the word, the more who join in, the merrier!

You can copy the picture I use for the event and use the web address to link it-
;o)Amber Dawn

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Getting back into the swing of things!

OK, after the intense stress and grief over the last couple of months, I am feeling quite myself again and just got back into my own swing of things again today.

The funeral was actually nice, and the weather Sunday was wonderful considering that it's been windy, wet and cold for most of the other days.

Seeing most of my family was the best part.

Both my husbands grandmother and my own grandmother died withn 24 hours of one another.
They also had the same first name...

So it's been one of those matching things in my life again.
(Happens very often)

I've tried to design a cool blog button for the Charm Day advert, but I want to redo it.

I'll be posting info about the event as soon as I can.

Thank you for the sweet emails and lovely comments.
I appreciate it very much.

Monday, April 06, 2009

~*Taking a deep breath... To heal... To LIFE!*~


"Since you've been gone"
"I can *now* breathe for the first time"
By, Kelly Clarkson


My life has just drastically changed.

I now am able to take some time to reflect &
make choices for myself and decide upon things
that I've never, in my life, had the freedom
or room to do prior.

I finally feel that I can be myself.
To grow up and finally be *Me*.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

(Charm lDay lBlog ...<---click me

International Charm Day

Click the title of the post to get there.

You MUST be a follower of that blog to be eligble to win anything.

Thursday, April 02, 2009