Thursday, April 09, 2009

International Charm Day blog! <---Click me!


  1. this is cool! what do I do? wear my charms on this day? i will put it on my blog later tonight.

  2. ~*Wear 'em & Share 'em*~
    Give some away randomly, or to specific people in your life.
    Just like any other type of celebration, holiday or recognition day... Just do it with charms!
    Fun fun fun!!!
    Spread the cheer!
    Share the art!

  3. Great button! To make it a link, you'll write something like this:

    [a href="link-to-the-event"][img src="link-to-the-image"][/a]

    Only change the []s to <>s... HTH! ^-^

  4. Amber, do you have any copies of the doodle book? Let me know the cost. It would be fun to have one and get Dave to post on his blog also.
    I'm in on the Charm Day! Cute idea.

  5. what a beautiful burst of spring-happy!

    it'll be up before too long. :)


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