Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time keeps on ticking... Into the future...

Today is my last day of being a full 33 RPM (rotations per minute) The following day I will be 10 more than 24... And that is a magic number...(said in sing song)


  1. EEK! Happy, happy birthday to you!!

    *singing and dancing in honor of Amber ... swirling ... giggling and cheering, too!!*

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBER DAWN! ) (...almost...

  3. Hi Amber :)

    Happy Birthday to you. You are very young and on the way to accomplish great things in life. You are on the thresh hold of success and greatness and I hope and pray that you will reach dizzying heights in your life time with abundant health, wealth, prosperity and numerous achievements.

    Something inside told me to check up on your blog and here I am at the right time to wish you all happiness. How could I have missed this opportunity to wish you? Remember you are my mentor :) You lifted me up when I was down :) You gave me courage and strength to carry on despite the obstacles :)

    I wish I can attend your birthday party and raise a toast to you! But then IF WISHES WERE HORSES BEGGARS WOULD RIDE :)

    Have a sparklingly wonderful day Amber:)


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