Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Getting back into the swing of things!

OK, after the intense stress and grief over the last couple of months, I am feeling quite myself again and just got back into my own swing of things again today.

The funeral was actually nice, and the weather Sunday was wonderful considering that it's been windy, wet and cold for most of the other days.

Seeing most of my family was the best part.

Both my husbands grandmother and my own grandmother died withn 24 hours of one another.
They also had the same first name...

So it's been one of those matching things in my life again.
(Happens very often)

I've tried to design a cool blog button for the Charm Day advert, but I want to redo it.

I'll be posting info about the event as soon as I can.

Thank you for the sweet emails and lovely comments.
I appreciate it very much.

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