Friday, January 30, 2009

~*Hitting a RED red RED carpet event!*~

I donated the top two on the left-

I used the Frida bottle cap charm by, Lisa Cox .

The purse locket below is a reminder to


Young child artists and designers need help

to fund classes and buy materials.

Life Through Art

Honorees for the 5th Annual Red Party
Warren Boyd
Executive Producer
The Cleaner

Jenny Doh
Editor-in-Chief & Director of PublishingStampington & Company
To purchase tickets contact 818-503-5820

The event is being held in a REALLY cool car museum the Petersen Auto museum
in Hollywood, California on
January 31, 2009.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

~*I helped to put up the shelves he made!*~

It was a lot of fun to see the results. The shelves are level in each direction too! I think that is BRILLIANT!

So nothing will roll off of the shelving if I set something round or curved on it!

~*Happy Chinese New Year!*~

I grew up in a home where home made Chinese food was FUN!
We celebrated our holidays with a Chinese flair!

This is a painting that I did between Jan 26-27th- I was up all through the night doing it.
It is SO much more vivid in person. 8"x10" stretched canvas...
I've not painted a stretched canvas in over 10 years!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I've been targeted and tagged After this I declare InventiveSoul a +Tag Free Zone!+

~*Thanks Anne!*~
Anne asked me to find my 6th picture in my 6th file...
These are 2 Canadian kids.
One of which I met when I was painting skateboard decks for fun a few years ago.
He is the one with the drawing on his arm done by his adorable girlfriend.

Thanks for tagging me Anne!

Please visit Anne's tea site Liberteas! If you don't drink tea, it makes lovely potpourri! And if you keep fabric, it makes for a lovely perfume!

This will be the LAST tag that I will do here-

I will not be tagging 6 more people, but I want to participate.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Your New York? My New York?

New York, where you share your thoughts with every other sound.
Invaded constantly because there is always something going on.
You're trying to squeeze all of your thoughts together but they are always exploding outwards.
Getting away from you.
Never really a part of you?
Just a part of what is next to you.

New York
Just a place to spend some time
How about a life time?

Awoken in the middle of the night, a sudden chill runs up my spine.
I've got to get there. How much time? I am out of time.
Always out of time.

Always in with the Fashion

Wouldn't want to be nobody.

What is a nobody in New York?
I wouldn't know.
Because I'm somebody!

On the scene,
All the spoken languages
Turning into meaningless babbles.
All the spoken languages reminds me of how some Mayor once said, "We are a tolerant State".
New York! I feel like quiting but I can't.
Am I addicted?
Could it be that I would just quit anywhere.
You & I, we are so used to our environment.
Always saying that we are getting out,
But we are not, are we.

New York, come and spend some time, share your magazine with the person next to you
While on the train
Taking a ride
Strike up a conversation?
That's not too bad.

Now you're being a New Yorker.

Written by, Francisco- the guy who is pictured way below an another post- making the furniture for me.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2009 Top Of The Line BROOCH exchange hosted by me!

Last year I hosted a vintage theme artistic pin and brooch art to wear exchange.

I am doing it again this year- This time, for less pieces and exceptional quality and design!

The jury process will begin in February.
If you are interested, please contact me via the comments, or if you know me, email me!


Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well, despite the cold- I am glad to live here most of the time.

We live by LaGuardia airport- So we have "events" from time to time with aircrafts.
I LOVE planes-
I do NOT like to fly anymore though.

It's good to hear a GOOD "crash" emergency landing story!

A happier ending to this ordeal than I was expecting.
~*BRAVO NYC!*~ Rescue services and all other services involved in today's emergency landing!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Charms from my 2008 I.C.E. theme exchanges-

Less than one inch each --Birds Nests with real pearl "egg"



I've posted some earlier, scroll down to see more.

~*10 hours Zine*~

Although it just took me 10 hours to create the contents and construction of 1 zine, I needed a lot of extra time to complete the rest.

I had done some painful damage to my hands while constructing these zines and because I couldn't get my hands wet- I needed to *STAPLE* everything rather than use glue!

Well, although it was painful, it sure was worth the effort!

Honestly, I am glad that it turned out the way that it did because the results were fun.
This is a swap zine that I made for ~*I Heart Zines*~

I've not been able to make any progress on Beau Ideal #4 until I get a new computer- (hopefully I can find one soon that does exactly what I need it to without having a built in camera or overheating problem!)

I digress-

This is a preview zine to "OODLES OF DOODLES 2"
Featuring the art and doodles of some very cool people!

Dave Huddleston (Sabii Wabii's awesome husband), Michelle Walker AKA 3rd eye muse, Ahmad Abdush Shaheed, Me & Francisco De La Cruz

The zine will ONLY be made in black and white- no color like in this sample trade zine.

The inclusions, cover and layout for "Oodles of Doodles 2" will be a lot different as well.

~*The Grand Voyage charm design...*~


This is a charm design and tag that I made
for my Grand Voyage charm theme swap.

A manhole cover in Union Square Park.
Getting another year older!
I took this picture a few days ago.
The mirrors are part of my holiday gift.
A jewelry display armoire from Pier One.
It smells of paint fumes, but I LOVE IT!

~*Charmsters Cocoon bead swap*~

I joined a swap hosted in charmsters.

The theme was cocoon beads.

I've really enjoyed making them and hope to sell some in my Etsy shop this month.

These are made with silk, filament thread, tassel thread with sequins, wire, beads, and cotton fabric or colorful faux wool.

Meet ~*Alexandria- Sasha for short!*~


I was invited to join a Chanukah swap last year and was blessed with some wonderful gifts over the 7 nights which I got to open gifts from others. Those who participated- Joyce Vance ,Joanne Thieme Huffman , Connie Williams , Fran Saperstein , Kara Klein, Me, Judy Streger and Sandee Hyde !

I have not yet been able to take pictures of all that I got- However, I found one of my gifts on Judy Streger's blog.

She was the host and made me a VERY special gift.

A gypsy doll, adorned with gold jewelry and tons of jewels!

I ~*LOVE*~ my gypsy!

She lives in a fabulous spot right on my shelf.

I've recently learned that her given name by her father's mother Nadine, is Alexandria, Sasha for short.

Sasha arrived with a note and a bag full of precious gems in exchange for the rent on my shelf. She doesn't like to eat so she is a welcome guest!

After inspection, I gladly accepted her jewels and crystals which were made in Austria before she was even born!

Sasha makes me smile and I am happy to have her company!

Below is a picture I borrowed from Connie William's blog

This is the gift- or one very similar to it that

I made for each person in the holiday gift exchange.

This is taken from Joyce's blog and is what
I got from her in the swap.