Thursday, August 21, 2008

~*Beau Ideal Arts issue 3 & 3 quarters!*~ :oD

Yeah, well after the computer loses your work several times in a row, you have to
think of something different!
Issue #4- "Into The Garden With Wings" is now just a bunch of fragments on some CDs and my sketchbook.
I am not going to tackle that zine again until I get a new computer.
So I decided to take parts of what I had done for that issue, and use the inserts from Elsie Sampson, Christi Miller, Kathy Robb, Grace Brunelle and make a small zine in the mean time.
Making a full size zine is no simple task!

OH! I am also making issue #2 of Oodles of Doodles for Alma Stoller's I Heart Zines swap this fall. Are you in it?

Maybe I will combine the two to make 3 & 3 quarters longer?
Zines are fun.
I find that hosting swaps and making zines keeps me feeling happy.

I *still* have a house guest so I am SO behind on my "real" life.
It feels good to escape via the Internet right now!
:o) House Guest might be here until the first week of Sept...

Whatever happened to calgon?
I never even tried it, but it was fun to say "Calgon, take me away!"
I was more of a Mr. Bubbles fan actually.



  1. Those computer problems stink! As if you don't have enough to do anyway! Time to go shopping! Of course that's after you rob the bank!
    Calgon....oh I love it. I can still find it, but maybe you just can't get it in New York. Now Mr. Bubbles, love the smell, makes me want to go just in a tub full!!! Make those funny bubble faces and hairdos!!!

  2. When I was in high school, I dated a guy whose mom would buy a box of Mr. Bubble whenever he was having a stress week. I wonder if his wife knows that her life would be much easier if she told him to go have a soak!

  3. Yippee! I've been jonesin' for a Beau Ideal fix. :)

    Isn't there some saying about houseguests having a short shelf life or needing to come with an expiration date? ;P Hang in there, Amber! September is nearly upon us.

  4. sounds like you've got some good plans - can't wait to see the results.

    hopefully the house guest is at least treating to lots of tasty meals. :)


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