Friday, August 15, 2008

Happiness for a moment... A Charming Exchange...

Well, we snuck a picture in Barnes and Noble this week.
They send security after you if they see flashing bulbs go off... So this was the best we could do with a cheap camera and no flash!

Yep, that is me grinning while enjoying a delicious cookie from the cafe.
I am giving the thumbs up to the GREAT new book, A Charming Exchange.
I LOVE the book!
PLEASE go and check it out!

I have just finished reading "The Shack"
It is a pretty good read.
I love how the story is told and without giving away any details, I will say that this book has a LOT of fact in it.

It really does capture the path/journey that I took when crossing the bridge of faith and surrender.

It's about- Letting go of deep pain and hatred.
Letting go of despair and worry. Letting go of masks and lies.

A calm during a storm- The sun peeked through--


  1. Hi Amber.....hope you are doing well these days. I have heard of this book but do not have it. Your friend in Tucson, Nancy

  2. just got this book and you are sooo right it's fabulous.

  3. I have been saving pennies for my own copy (and put it on my holiday wish list, too) ... I thumbed through it at the bookstore and just drooled! lol

    don't you just adore skies like that one ... reminds me to take a deep breath and say thanks. :)

  4. you are so awesome! now i really want a big cookie!

  5. This book looks very interesting, I will have to check it out!

  6. Hello Amber!

    It is good to see you smiling in that photo with a cookie in your hand. You have demonstrated that simple things bring great joy!

    The book you are talking about must be really good because every one is filled with hatred for something or the other and hatred burns inside a person like a molten lava.

    Needless to say, very few are without worry and jettisoning worry is a great ordeal but a great relief.

    The blue sky seen beyond the threating clouds in the photo is a lovely sight and sign of good things to come.

    Have a bright and beautiful day!

  7. Only for a moment?
    I do have that book now and a few other new ones, and am so inspired! My head is spinning, and I must find more time to be many ideas, and so little time!
    P.S. Keep look beautiful!

  8. You are adorable.

    I can't believe security would come by if you take a flash photo. I am going to try it in my local B and N!

    Larry has been shooting his camera all over the military base here. I am surprised that he has not been questioned by the MPs hahaha.

    A couple of liberal yankees -- on base. Guess they have not found out yet, lol.

    xxpatti poots

  9. I read the Shack too! Amazing book! In fact have told everyone and I should blog about it too! Our womens Bible study group did a weekend retreat discussing it and the scriptural's goooodddd!
    PS...Prayers for your day!


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