Monday, March 26, 2007

Would you like to enter to win a bit of AMBER DAWN ART?

I would like to offer a *little* bit of handmade art to wear.
Nothing too fancy, just a little something that I made last week.
A little mixed media charm.
It will be kept a secret until someone wins it.

All you have to do, is leave me a comment, anything you want to say. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE YOUR NAME PLEASE!

I will draw a winner on April first.

Enter as many times as you wish, up to one comment a day.



  1. you know i love your charms and would love another one for my collection!!

  2. wow Amber... count me into your drawing..!

  3. amber your blog is sooo pretty! how do you get blogger to get you so many colors and how did you fill in an art background behind your blog title? do i need to get a web designer to get mine to do that?
    on another note, i got to meet and have lunch with 'artsy fran' on friday. she is wonderful!

  4. Well DUH! OF COURSE I would LOVE to win a bit of A-D! LOL I THINK you know who this is but I will leave you myname anyway....


    P.S. Hope you are doing good and are creating your little heart out.

  5. I enjoyed all the charms I received in the January charm swap. I would love to have one of yours to add to my collection.

    Judy N.

  6. Amber, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your charm swaps. I had a great time. Thanks.
    Cres G.

  7. Wow Amber! LOVE the mini-mini books!
    Would love to own an Amber "secret" (batting of eyelashes here,) My Birthday is April THAT an omen or what!???

  8. Hi Amber would love to win this teeny tiny charm.

    BTW I finally found some Thick Stuff and ordered it.

    Creating my own reality!
    Pat MacMicken

  9. What fun -enter me in your contest! Re: your comment on the charm I didn't occur to me that the Athena picture might be scary - I adored the colors and reworking of a staid image ( And most of all, Athena is the goddess of arts and crafts! Thanks for sharing your world and your work,

  10. Amber ~ Please enter my name for your charm drawing. Would love to own one of your charms. THANKS! AJ

  11. Wow -- that charm is fantabuloso! So precious & inventive.

    I think this is my first blog comment ever, so three cheers for your artistry for making me take the leap.

    I had to keep a blog for work for 6 weeks last year and only got a few response-comments. You'd think that would make me more active in responding toward others' blogs. But it didn't....until now. I actually do respond a lot, but just in my head!

    Now....fingers crossed for some luck o' the Irish!


  12. charm drawing? You can NEVER have too many charms! Can't wait to see what you've made. The little mini zine's are AMAZING!!!
    cris p

  13. Amber! I'm so happy you posted this! I was at my art group last night and someone mentioned your blog. I have not visited before, so I wanted to find it. Wonderful work. The mini-book is crazy-great! I love it.


  14. I left a comment on the next blog, but I see that this one is the topic of the drawing so I figured that I should leave one here too. I also loved your charms that I got in the swap. One more Amber Dawn original would be fantastic.

  15. I just want to thank you again for helping me out Amber! That was so sweet of you!
    fondly, Nancy

  16. How on earth do you do things sooo tiny? I feel like a giant working on tiny items!!! Nice job - great idea! Count me in to win this tiny creation!
    Janice Lopez

  17. I'd love to come home and find out won a goodie from you!!! Please sign me up. xo

  18. love your charms, when you work sooo small do you need bi-focals?

  19. What a generous way to get feedback about your artwork. I'm still itching for a scanner. As a newbie to the altered art online scene, please include me in your drawing. What a great way to get started :-) Good luck and I hope you appreciate the feedback.

  20. This isn't related to your contest but I have to agree 70 day old bread dough just sounds gross! The charms you posted are adorable. Please include this altered art newbie into your drawing. It'd be great way to start my collection. Good luck with the contest and I hope you enjoy the feedback.


  21. I am very impressed at the painstaking work it must have taken to create this tiny charm, bravo to you. You SHOULD be impressed with yourself. I would be too!

  22. Please add me to the list I just love tiny works of art! Anna

  23. A tempting offer too delish to resist. I continue to get lovely comments on the selection of charms you put together for me, and hopefully after this spring art festival season passes, I will be able to play again.
    Meanwhile, maybe I'll be a lucky random name....

  24. Hi Amber, it would be nice to own one of your charms, in the first swap I got some beautiful charms but none you'd made, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope I'm the one.

  25. I too would love to win a charm. Your entry about the zinette is awesome. How do you do it all? I am picturing you locked in your studio having food delivered so that you can devote so much time to your art and projects. Lucky you.

  26. Ok this is my fifth try at this hope it works! Love your tiny works of art Amber! I know for a fact they take big effort! Hugs, Sanna

  27. Would love to win one of your charms Dawn, please add my name to the hat! :)

  28. How charming it would be to win one of your charms! Thanks for making such an interesting blog.

  29. Oh cool! Add me too! I was just tickled to find your blog today! What an added bonus!!

  30. Pick me, pick me. :)

    p.s. the tiny book is amazing...

  31. No, pick me!! Pick me!! Not Michelle!! Just kidding!! We're sitting here looking at your site amazed at the little book!! Sheridan says HI!! Later, Heather!!

  32. Even if I don't win your charm, I am delighted to leave a comment! The iddy liddle booklet you made is wonderful! Enchanting! Charming! It's an inspiration for me to think really hard about joining your next charm swap!

  33. Hi Amber...(you DID say we could enter as often as we like!!) So here's another homage to your mini-zine:Had to locate an American dime to get an ideal of scale! OMG!! Amazing!

  34. love your charm. please enter me in the drawing.
    kelly parker

  35. Hi Amber!!! I'd love to win one of your charms!


  36. I'm proud to be a "LetterHead" too!!! How on Earth did you manage to work so small?!!!!


  37. Count me in, I'd love to see this tiny charm! I can't even imagine trying to make something so small-how cool!

  38. Hi Amber

    I am new to blogging as such wow what inspirational eye candy here on your blog.
    Iw ill definately be back.
    Please add me to your drawing

    Artful Hugs


  39. woo hoo thanks for the heads up!! Please please please enter me for your super cool give-a-way!!


  40. Thanks Amber for visiting my blog, I loved the charm swap and I'm glad I got one of yours, it's amazing how they all look together. Have you made yours up yet?

  41. hey amber dawn,
    that's an amazing and beautiful creation you have going on there. i would have to shrink my fingers in order to work that small. or perhaps i could train my four year old. his fingers are the perfect size. you must have tiny fingers!

  42. i love all your stuff! i love mini's!! u r sooo the charm the swap still on?

  43. Amber - Please enter my name : Tini :)... I love all your charms!
    Today I´ve to sample created a domino... but it´s not good :(. So I think I need still few exercises :-).
    Lovely greetings Tini


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!