Tuesday, March 20, 2007

If we have never met in person----
Keep it clean!

This question is for anyone who wants to give an answer.
Don't be shy!

If you could hang out with me for a day, what would you ask me to do?

I am SO interested in your answers!



  1. Keep on creating...you never cease to amaze!

  2. Oh this is EASY...AND clean LOL...show me around the city you love (from a local's view) AND let me create art with you. Oh, and maybe let me get into your goodies (art goodies that is, LOL).


  3. Hey Amber Dawn!

    Don't know if you remember me. We've had some trades in the past but it's been a while.

    I'd like to spend the day with you seeing the Big Apple! I bet you know where the neatest thrift stores are and the best place to find curb side treasures!

    Wendy M.
    Joplin MO

  4. Create, Create, Create, oh and the Italian in me says...Stop and eat..then Create some more!
    fondly, Nancy
    Now Playing: The Fray/How To Save A Life

    PS..YEAH, I am up to a swap. Let me know what and when.

  5. What I would ask you to do with me if we were to spend one day together... I guess, if I were in New York with you, I'd let you decide what we would do, because I've never been there. I'd love to go to tea at the Met after viewing art. I'd also love to visit some vintage and consignment shops! If you were coming here... I'd take you to tea and to my favorite antique shop, after which, I'd ask you to give me a personal workshop on how to give jewelry that Amber Dawn *sparkle!*

  6. I have never been to New York. So, I would have you show me your favorite places. Then, we would go back to your studio, drink some wine, laugh, talk and create some killer art. AJ

  7. I would love for us to go into your art room, pull out stuff and then let me ask how to questions and also watch you do your art... Maybe do a tiny bit of art shopping and have a iced coffee and then go back, eat pizza and play some more... now that would be prefect!

  8. Hey!! So, I am a bartender & tend to say it like it is...& I make more tips that way!! My customers love giving me a bad time so that I will do it right back & they love it!!! I would take you to work with me & we would be witty & smart alecs all night, make a bunch of tips & go to the art stores & buy more stuff to make charms with....I do that everynight anyway!! (Well, before Sheridan got sick!) Later, Heather!!!

  9. My friend Heather and I love to go to the scrapbook convention. We have a ton of fun even though we don't seem to "fit in" and are often in our own world. I think it would be great fun to have you with us for a day at the scrapbook convention! And then go to the local watering hole in downtown Portland where we can watch guys have a Michael Jackson dance off (true story!)


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!