Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Small things thrill me! I love to make miniatures!
OK, so here is an example of something tiny I worked on while embellishing issue #3.5 of my art magaZine Beau Ideal. These are tiny replicas of 2 of the inserts in my 'zine.
The mini book, is a mini version of an already mini zine. I call them zinelettes. Well this is a micro version.
The mini purse is also a micro version. Do you know how SMALL these are???
Look at the following picture of them ON A DIME! YES! A DIME!!!!

*I am so thrilled!* I used my big fingers, and was able to do this and many other goodies by hand!
They fit inside the mini charm version of my zine. The mini zine is 1 and a half by 15/16ths of an inch!


  1. Love it!! You are an inventive soul! Sue

  2. Omgosh, that is so amazingly cute. Please add me to the drawing. I think to do something that small, I would need more then my reading glasses. Amazing!

  3. Amber,
    You're the BEST BEST BEST!!! And I've told you that before so you know I'm not saying it just to get the charm. But PUH-LEEEESE give it to me. Gimme gimme gimme! You know how badly I wanted to be part of the mini-book swap and couldn't, right? (I hope extreme whining gets you extra points...) {{grin}}
    Your biggest fan in all the world,
    Copper Margie

  4. THAT is amazing. Truly!!! ~Kari Bryde

  5. My goodness! reminds me of the angels on the head of a pin that we hear so much about :) how gorgeous!

  6. this is a beautiful piece and wow I like working small but this is fantastic!!!! would also like to add you to my blog!! not sure why I haven't so am off to do that (unless you say no!!) thanks! Hugs Lindasxks

  7. OK, now I REALLY want to win that! It's amazing!

  8. Hi Amber,
    I am leaving a comment for the drawing, but it was a good excuse to visit your blog. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to.
    Have a creative day.

  9. Amazingly small. You must have a great camera to take such a close-up.

  10. That is the smallest book charm I have ever seen. I love what you do with your art projects. Your blog is always one of my favorites places to visit. Bonnie in WI

  11. Amber Dawn,
    Obviously you are an amazing artist and I have a feeling I will learn alot from you. If I win, I would like to donate this charm to the member that is ill and in need of a bone marrow transplant. While I would love to cherish this item for myself, I believe it would mean so much more to her and her quest to live. Cathie-chicago

  12. That is a very tiny,detailed piece of art you've created very very nice.Jan

  13. How in the world do you make such tiny beautiful works of art? I'm amazed! Your blog site is wonderful! I'm jealous and totally inspired by you and your work.
    Terri N-W

  14. How on earth do you do it Amber....these are so tiny and perfect...love them!

  15. Just found your blog and you are one talented woman. How did you ever work so small and perfectly?
    Please add me to the drawing. I'll read your blog faithfully.

  16. OMG! Amber that is too cute. I love it!
    Cres G.

  17. Wow Amber! I am new to blogs and swap sites and charms. I'm not new to SciFi, minis, beads, and arty crafty stuff. What fun to find artists such as yourself! Truely amazing work!

  18. OH WOW Amber!! This is FANTASTIC---how interesting! I LOVE Minis! So Neat!!

  19. Wow stunning Amber.

    That is stunning

  20. I am entering AGAIN because i LOVE the teeny-tiny "zines"!

  21. Hi Amber,

    I saw your post on MMCA. I love your jewelry! I think I would need my glasses and a magnifying glass to make something so cool and so small.

    Great job...please count me in...

  22. Please add me to the drawing today. Wow, April Fools day will be a awesome surprise for somebody here. Oh, and just want to say...
    Your charm bracelet ROCKS!!! Do you ever have a BAD art day? It doesn't look like it (grin) Bonnie in WI

  23. Amber, this charm is magnificent. There is such detail for something so tiny! You definitely have giving me motivation to try tiny work! It's beautiful! Hugs, Liz


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