Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A lot of people think that the items on the dime below, are the secret charm... They are the INSERTS to the secret charm!!!
The secret charm is a TEENY magazine!!! Full of other goodies too!
Just wanted to share that!
ALSO- you can leave me as many comments on my entire blog as you want! BUT I will only add your name to the drawing once a day.

I got an AWESOME bunch of gifts today from some of my friends!!!

Lori sent me a set of 4 darling and delicious lampworked (Handmade glass beads made by using a blow torch) bead charms accented by Bali sterling, and Swarovski crystals... I LOVE the way they feel! She makes and composes such *BEAUTIFUL* work!

Thank you Lori!!!

A person who I adore, sent me *3* Comic style books, "for review and to keep".
"Pride of Baghdad" by Brian K. Vaughan- Art by, Niko Henrichon.
This is a lovely book published by Vertigo. (mmm yummy!) The story line and graphics are a bit on the edge, but it has a warmth and glow to it as well.
The ending is a bit chilling, and left me with a heavy heart,,, but hey, all in all, I LOVE the colors and the graphics!
It is a war/military/animal theme, and involves talking animals.
It's not for little kids at all.

"The Best American Series" The Best American Comics 2006 by, Harvey Pekar and Anne Elizabeth Moore.
Published by, Houghton Mifflin Co.
I love the variety in this book.
I read just one of the comics, but will need to look at the book some more before actually saying anything "deep" about it.
I can say that I LOVE the variety it offers!

*An ADVANCE* copy of "Re-Gifters" by, Mike Carey, Sonny Liew and Marc Hempel.
I love this... I am not allowed to write any solid opinions on it as this is the advance copy, and so all I can tell you about is my opinion of some of the art work.
This is more my speed, kind of like Korean comics.
I opened up to a page that has an image of a girl in her room and on the wall is the artists interpretation of Orlando Bloom as Legolas in Lord of the Rings.

Coming in May 2007 there will be a comic called "The Plain Janes"
Looks like fun.
July 2007 "Clubbing" gothy and cool!
"Good As Lily" Looks interesting....

OH! I also got 90+ wooden scrabble tiles from Donna B.
Thank you DONNA!!!
I will be making some FUN and off the wall bits of art to wear with these!!!

Are you a Vin Diesel fan?
Well, I am not so much a fan of him as I am of his character Riddick. And xXx.
I am patiently waiting for CR2 to come out.
I am such a sci fi geek.
I have seen the Chronicles maybe 3 times this year...That includes Pitch Black and the cartoon one.
There is something cool about the way his movies make me feel that works well in my art. Must be the NYC in his voice! *laughing*
I also watched xXx but I cannot stand the cheesy over the top stuff.

Joss Stone made a music video at one of my FAVORITE hang out spots.
If you have seen her latest video, with a LOT of Graf in it, then you know what I am talking about!

It is such a GREAT place to be.
If I had a need for a studio space, I would hook myself up with one in that building.
They are not expensive at all.

The ENTIRE facade of the former factory building is engulfed in aerosol spray!
Next month I will take some pictures of it when it is sunny out.
It is a hop skip and a jump away from the P.S. 1 art museum in L.I.C. NY
The architecture on that building is also worth a look too.

Well, back to the other topic, sci fi-
I am eagerly waiting for "them" to make a few movies.
I KNOW they can pull in a ton of money so they should go for it-
HYPERION. If they film it right, this would definitely be a great series on film.
I strongly suggest though, that they do NOT drag out all of the political mumbo jumbo, and focus on the ACTION!

I think that Ender's Game would also make a great film, if they didn't get too far into the future. Maybe just make a film of the first book.

Tammie Moore sent me some goodies,,, I am sitting here admiring them.
She sent me vintage items, metals, pressed glass buttons with a bit of gold foil, a resin heart with a bird image, a bunch of colorful birds that will make FUN charms, assorted plastic goodies, some lampwork, and some silver pearl beads. THANK YOU TAMMIE!!

I have been enjoying the comments that people have been leaving for me, on the post "If we have never met in person----" from March 20th.
It is fun to imagine!!

I am jumping from topic to topic,I am sitting here having had only 3 and a half hours of sleep, and I think I better try and get some more!
Nice talking to you!


  1. Girl, I HOPE you got some more sleep! That or some REALLY STRONG coffee! LOL


  2. Hi Amber!
    I just wanted to say your jewelries are gorgeous! Hope you get some sleep.
    Cres G.

  3. I'll keep on trying, Amber.


  4. One last time, Girlfriend--I'm trying to get this postie thing to work. Cross your fingers, now. Here goes...

    (another sci-fi geek)


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!