Friday, March 30, 2007

I took a few minutes out of my day to make something for *myself*

I used charms from the Charms2007swap from January.
The charms are made by-Listed from left to right, starting with the SUN-Tina Holden, Carolyn Young, Gillian Allen, Tracy Webster, Denice O'Heron, Jan Bartlett, Judy Nuebert, Sharon Birzvilkis, Gina Louthian-Stanley, Kate Webster & Margie Fenney

This is a bib style necklace.

Mind you, I do NOT preplan my work.
I just start fiddling with the components, an' whatever happens - happens.
I was actually cleaning my art room when I found the mini scrabble pieces and knew they would look cute on the copper chain.
What do you think?
It took me less than 1 hour to do.
AND it hangs nicely on the neck.

Kelly Snelling! - if you are reading this- I do not have dainty fingers!
I just got used to working with what I have and found a way to get what I wanted/needed done.
That is a key to a HAPPY life!


Tina Holden, Carolyn Young
Gillian Allen, Tracy Webster, Denice O'Heron

Jan Bartlett, Judy Nuebert, Sharon Birzvilkis
Gina Louthian-Stanley, Kate Webster & Margie Fenney


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous Amber.


  2. Your necklace is beautiful. What kind of glue did you use to put the scrabble tiles on metal?

  3. So, are you going to post a picture of it on your neck?!? I'm dyin' to see what it looks like on!! I really, really like the little birds nest charm!(that's what it looks like to me anyway!! :) Another fabulous art piece Amber! Heather!!

  4. Wow! Amber, that's beautiful!

  5. This looks fabulous Amber, I love the scrabble pieces

  6. Oh WOW Amber!! It's FABULOUS!! I LOVE how you made the DAWN dangles longer and between the Amber!! TOO FUN!

  7. Amber...these are soooo funky !!! I love all of it! Great!

  8. This is the coolest necklace-really! Fun & funky:) Kelly & I must be thinking alike about the small fingers-can't imagine working on all this teeny stuff.

  9. I love this! You did a great job. It's always fun to reward ourselves!:)


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