Monday, August 01, 2011

I arranged my blog header- It was a name tag that I designed several years ago. - I made the frame from scratch, I altered the existing clipart, layered it and made it my own.

All artwork has an unspoken copyright. It is *illegal* to use artwork without an artists permission unless it is part of the public domain or pre 1925.

Just one example of what designers and artists have to contend with from time to time.

Hello.... My Name Is Carla


  1. This is more than rude. It's downright offensive. I'm not even the one who was ripped off and I'm miffed. Hope you gave this person an earful!

  2. I tried to leave a message but conveniently she only takes messages from people she follows. But I do see she has your link there.

  3. I sent her a kind but firm message via FB and I've been ignored.

  4. Funny that I came across this blog post. I was just admiring your work and then I see this- and happen to be familiar with the woman who snagged your image. She's not a nice person, to say the very least. Anyhow, it's best to go over her head and ask polyvore themselves to remove the image. They will erase her set and any others that have used your image. Be sure to use this form:


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!