Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Metalliferous ALERT- To all of you Metalliferous fans and long time buyers!---

If you are planning a trip into Manhattan, just to visit the shop, you might be a bit upset at the size of the space.  You might prefer to visit their website and order from there instead!  Metalliferous has *significantly* downsized & has moved upstairs to the 3rd floor!  They no longer occupy the 2nd floor, there is no more bead room(s) and the huge areas in "the back", past the counter is now in the front and is *VERY* limited on stock. It is so small in comparison!  Basically, the shopping area is now equivalent to the old space that was the entrance- where the counter started and ended in the front. THAT IS *IT*. The staff is as friendly as they were before. Martha is no longer there.   PS- Although I've never used their bathroom, many customers have, in the past. They are no longer letting customers use their restroom. If you need to use one to wash up, after getting your hands dirty- use one of the wet wipes on the counter or- run up the block to Barnes and Noble or to Subway the sandwhich shop, which is just below Metalliferous on the ground floor.
The good news is that they have started a mail order, online catalog for you to shop through. So, that at least helps!
~*~ Here is a bit of what I picked up during my shopping trip with Ann Marie this week.

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