Saturday, February 28, 2009

~*WOW!*~ OWOH prizes from NZ & Netherlands arrived!

~*SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!*~

I'll tell you, the truth is, the prizes I won are even richer looking and better feeling in person.

My Napier milk bottle cap earrings arrived from ~*Shariyah Garner*~ in New Zealand today.

They are SO nice!
Light weight & they swing & "dance" very nicely too!
~*Thank you Shariyah!*~
~*So much FUN!!!!*~
**I cannot wait to wear them!!!**

~*Hermine*~ from the Netherlands mailed me her *gorgeous* canvas and it has arrived safe and sound-------- and WOW!!!
~*It is even more AMAZING in person!*~
I opened it while waiting on line at the post office and many people admired the texture, the colors and the materials.
There is so much depth to this piece and it is so neatly constructed!

~*I LOVE IT!!!*~
~*Thank you Hermine!*~

I really am so very thankful that I was able to share in this event.

Not only did I win some of my most favorite prizes, I made several new really talented and cool friends!

~*Thank you for sharing your heart!*~
♣♦♠♥~*(>'-')>♥ <('-'<)*~♥♠♦♣.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

~*Even Better in Person!*~

4 of my prizes have arrived so far from the One World One Heart giveaway!

I am SO thrilled and honored to now own such creative and visually juicy artwork!

This weekend the necklace from ~*Dawn Gold*~ arrived and it is so much richer looking in person.
She hung it from a lovely jewel tone ribbon type yarn. I am so happy with how it feels and looks in person.
~*Thank you Dawn!*~

I also got Brandy's Goonies book and trading cards from 1985- It is pretty fun to look at!
She also sent along a cool photo magnet of a camel in Egypt laying down on the sand with the pyramids in the far distance. I placed it on my fridge with the rest of my magnet collection.
~*Thank you Brandy!*~

In today's mail, I got the fused and painted glass pendant with chain that Michelle Strader made. (She is so cute! Her picture was also included on her card)
This is even more fantastic in person!
I love holding it... I have not yet tried it on- but I will soon!
~*Thank you Michelle!*~

I also got ~*She'll feed you tea and oranges." by the OWOH QUEEN herself, ~*Lisa Swifka*~
(I applauded)
The painting is SO pretty in person!
It sparkles and shines and there is so much lovely gold detail. The backing is black felt and the hanger is wire wrapped in a purple ribbon.
This is FANTASTIC Lisa! ~*Thank you SO much!*~

As soon as the other prizes arrive I will add pictures of all of them here, to share with you how they all fit in here, my home and life!

The happiest of smiles, ~*THANK YOU AGAIN!*~

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

~*Lisa Swifka's OWOH offering!*~-

"She'll feed you tea and oranges..."
Art work by, the organizer of the One World One Heart event!
The QUEEN of HEARTS! ---
Click ~*HERE*~ It is so charming!

Isn't this really cool?!
The details and colors are SO NICE!
~*I won!*~ :oD SO special!
~*LISA!*~ You have changed our world!
The echos of *this* will last for years and years!
~*Thank you again!*~

This is the comment that I left for Lisa-
I've missed out on this for the past two years,

but I am SO GLAD (feeling JOY IN MY HEART)

to meet all of these "new" artists from all over the world!

~*THANK YOU!!!!!!*~
I feel so happy, like a kid playing a game at a carnival, and at a party!
Please be sure to enter my prize give away too Lisa!

Amber Dawn

January 19th 1:04 am

~*Hermine's OWOH offering*~

~*All of Hermine's comments for the OWOH prize!!!*~

~*Click HERE*~ to see Hermine's blog- It is in Dutch and English.
Look below each paragraph to spot the translations.

Oh the details are just so rich and lovely!


~*Outdoor, Nature, BEAUTY!*~

When I found out I won this- I wept.

It was the picture of her son and his friend that started the waterfall...

~*Hermine*~ is ~*ALSO*~ one of my winners!

Out of 681 comments, here is mine!


~*Michelle's ~*Wear Your Art*~ OWOH offering*~-

~*WEAR YOUR ART*~ <-----Click there

Are you a fan of glass jewelry? Painterly jewelry? I AM!!! I was SO blown away by Michelle's work that I literally *gasped* when I realized that her prize was made of glass and that it was *not* abstract, rather a very sweet landscape translated to wear by fusing the colors in a kiln! You have GOT to see this!!! Do you see the tree? Do you see the tiny toadstools?!!!

I WON IT!!!!
Out of 388 comments I left #19 on the 19th-
Here is the comment that I left-

At first I thought that I was just looking at an abstract color stipple effect,
then my eyes widened and my mouth opened with that "~*GASP*~",
I see the toadstools!-
And then the ~*Sigh*~, that was when I saw the rest of the scene.
I am a new fan!

Thank you for entering my glitzy give away!
I am SO HAPPY to enter yours!

Amber Dawn

~*Thank you Michelle!*~

And YES! She won a door prize from me too!
Intertwined destiny!

To buy her jewelry, hop on over to Etsy! THERE IS A REALLY GENEROUS SALE GOING ON!!!

When you spend $20 or more in her shop during February, you get a SALE item for FREE.

Just purchase your items then in the buyers notes tell her what FREE sale item you want from her shop and she will add it to your package!!!!

She has a variety of price points for you to afford!




~*Brandy's "Creative Crap" OWOH offering*~-

To See Brandy's blog, please click ~*HERE*~

I am her winner!

~*Brandy*~ created a ~*Goonies*~ (the movie) book using a "One Eyed Willie" Goonies trading card.

I will also get 10 other trading cards from the movie as well!

Goonies is one of the coolest movies I saw in the 80s.
I have seen the movie SO MANY times that I can point out all of the editing mistakes and recite lines along with the actors!

(The little kid in me says this with pride, the adult I am just shakes my head!)
OK, so my oldest friends and I were self proclaimed Goonies and to this day still make Goonie style jokes.
They will all be amused by this prize for sure!

So I accept this prize with pride! LOL!!!!!

~*Thank you Brandy!*~

Out of 91 comments I was #22
And here is the comment that I left.

I own the movie, the soundtrack
and I LOVE the idea of what you are giving away!
I used to know the entire movie by heart because
I watched it so many times!
I am craking up thinking about scenes from the movie!
That is one of THE BEST movies from the 80s in my opinion!
Thank you for offering this!
Please visit my blog too!
Amber Dawn

I would also like to share that one of my fellow charm swappers is part of Goonies movie history! The very sweet and talented Melinda Cornish's grandmother LIVED in the Goonies house when she was a little girl!

How cool is that?!

If you have never seen the movie- give it a try. You might laugh! You might even like it!

~*Dawn Gold's*~ OWOH offering-

~*Cherish & Believe!*~

~*Dawn Gold in the UK made this!*~

Click ~*Here*~ to see her blog.

Out of 240 comments- I am #87 and I won Dawn's 2nd prize!


Here is my comment #87

Hi ~*Dawn*~
VERY COOL FOB creation!

I would be happy to wear it often!!!


If you have not already done so-

Come over to my place and sign up too!!!!!!

It's fun!
I'm sharing Swarovski crystals and rhinestones
as well as other goodies!
Amber Dawn

~*Shariyah Garner's*~ OWOH's offering-

~*Shariyah Garner*~ in NZ designed these earrings.
Please click ~*Here*~ to see her blog and ~*Here*~(for her ETSY shop),
if you would like to buy these exact earrings.
They are $15.00 on Etsy, and she makes a few other kinds as well.

I won her 2nd prize offering and ~*Shariyah*~
allowed me the option to choose any style I wanted!
It was tough to decide, and I went back and forth on the Frida
pair and "Mother Earth"

~*I chose these!*~

~*Mother Earth*~

~*Thank you again Shariyah!*~

Out of 773 comments, I was picked the 2nd winner! ~*YAY!!!*~
This was my comment-
inventivesoul said...
~*OH WOW!*~!

You have a beautiful offering, a beautiful blog & really cool etsy shop!
I am SO excited to be a part of this wonderful form of artistic unity!
Please add me too ~*Shariyah*~
Thank you very much!
It's nice to meet you!
Amber Dawn
January 19, 2009 8:38 PM

Sunday, February 01, 2009

~*COOL!!!*~ The best T-Mobile commercial I ever saw! :o)

Despite looking like it was digitally remastered, it is actual footage of a live performance.



A severe pain- is GONE

I had intense physical back pain for 9 months.

I've been back pain free for a WEEK!

Just wanted to mention it to those of you who knew.
