Friday, February 13, 2009

~*Brandy's "Creative Crap" OWOH offering*~-

To See Brandy's blog, please click ~*HERE*~

I am her winner!

~*Brandy*~ created a ~*Goonies*~ (the movie) book using a "One Eyed Willie" Goonies trading card.

I will also get 10 other trading cards from the movie as well!

Goonies is one of the coolest movies I saw in the 80s.
I have seen the movie SO MANY times that I can point out all of the editing mistakes and recite lines along with the actors!

(The little kid in me says this with pride, the adult I am just shakes my head!)
OK, so my oldest friends and I were self proclaimed Goonies and to this day still make Goonie style jokes.
They will all be amused by this prize for sure!

So I accept this prize with pride! LOL!!!!!

~*Thank you Brandy!*~

Out of 91 comments I was #22
And here is the comment that I left.

I own the movie, the soundtrack
and I LOVE the idea of what you are giving away!
I used to know the entire movie by heart because
I watched it so many times!
I am craking up thinking about scenes from the movie!
That is one of THE BEST movies from the 80s in my opinion!
Thank you for offering this!
Please visit my blog too!
Amber Dawn

I would also like to share that one of my fellow charm swappers is part of Goonies movie history! The very sweet and talented Melinda Cornish's grandmother LIVED in the Goonies house when she was a little girl!

How cool is that?!

If you have never seen the movie- give it a try. You might laugh! You might even like it!

1 comment:

  1. ok, so forget my last comment ... looks like you're just sitting under a lucky star these days. :)

    this is so cool ... since Sadie is 10, I still get to watch Goonies fairly often. :)


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!