Saturday, February 28, 2009

~*WOW!*~ OWOH prizes from NZ & Netherlands arrived!

~*SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!*~

I'll tell you, the truth is, the prizes I won are even richer looking and better feeling in person.

My Napier milk bottle cap earrings arrived from ~*Shariyah Garner*~ in New Zealand today.

They are SO nice!
Light weight & they swing & "dance" very nicely too!
~*Thank you Shariyah!*~
~*So much FUN!!!!*~
**I cannot wait to wear them!!!**

~*Hermine*~ from the Netherlands mailed me her *gorgeous* canvas and it has arrived safe and sound-------- and WOW!!!
~*It is even more AMAZING in person!*~
I opened it while waiting on line at the post office and many people admired the texture, the colors and the materials.
There is so much depth to this piece and it is so neatly constructed!

~*I LOVE IT!!!*~
~*Thank you Hermine!*~

I really am so very thankful that I was able to share in this event.

Not only did I win some of my most favorite prizes, I made several new really talented and cool friends!

~*Thank you for sharing your heart!*~
♣♦♠♥~*(>'-')>♥ <('-'<)*~♥♠♦♣.


  1. Your very welcome Amber. So glad it arrived safe and sound :o))

  2. how many is this? 217 total? :) JK - I think it's sooooo wonderful that YOU were gifted with such treasures.

  3. Oh, Lucky you! I love to get stuff in the mail, especially treasures like these. I have been meaning to tell you I love your banner.

  4. Wow, you really hit the jackpot! Congratulations.


  5. Hi Amber :)

    Congratulations on getting these fabulous prizes.

    Have a nice day :)

  6. Hi Amber! Thanks for coming to visit! I'm glad to have found you as well. Happy Monday!

    Lisa :)

  7. Wowowow... you really hit the jackpot with OWOH this year. Congrats!

    Have you been making more charms lately? Looking forward to seeing some pictures of them.

    Happy Spring!



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