Monday, September 08, 2008

Persepolis- and more... Just some thoughts and feelings about movies I saw this month.

I cannot sleep, there is a cricket outside the window chirping like mad!
I'm looking forward to my first day, without anyone in the house other than myself today!
It's been a LONG time!
SO much to catch up on and get done!

Movies sure help to distract your mind and help pass the time!

This film was very entertaining and lots of fun to watch!
I found it quite cool!
Although it is animated, this film is *NOT FOR KIDS*!
It is heavy, full of mature themes, mature language and pretty serious subject matter.
The story is about a girl who grew up in Iran, and lived through war,
the issues and oppression that the country had to deal with and being a teenager coming of age.

It is now playing in select cities... However you can also get it from the video store
Be prepared with tissues if you see it in the theater. You *might* need them.
If you do rent it, be sure to see the special features.

The film trailers are also entertaining.

I also saw Children Of the Lost City.
This film is not for the squeamish.
It gets gross and nightmarish (Quite literally actually)
in several parts of the film.
It is pretty cool in some parts.
I love the nod to steampunk
paraphernalia and fixtures.
Well, this movie is like modern art...
you just have to accept it as such in order to appreciate it!
The movie is loaded with color and sound.

Ron Perlman has a Russian accent in the film.
(The English version is what I watched)
The kids in this film are *adorable!*
The characters are very well played and
the costumes and sets are entertaining.
---Again, pretty gross and sick in some parts, NOT FOR KIDS!
It is easy to lose interest in the film... But hang in there, there are some good scenes.
And although it is not a "happy" ending I can say that it is a good ending.


I saw Terminator 2 and 3 this past week.
I liked it!
TONS of action. It makes the movies fly by!
Although I've never seen part one, part two
was pretty good and you kinda don't need
part one to get into it all.
I am hoping that part 4 is just as good.

I saw Ghost rider... I kinda liked it. Kinda cheesy... See it of you are a fan of the actors.
It's a typical "deal with the devil" plot... Not for little kids...

PERFECT for ALL AGES and quite well done! A VERY GOOD PLOT!

Watched most of Angel-A... This is NOT a film for kids, and although I found most of the film sick and twisted I enjoyed the cinematography.
It is B&W.

And lastly, Becoming Jane.
I really liked it, and had fun watching it!
Love the costumes and set design- LOVE the manners and protocol...
Never want to live like that though!
:od Too "proper".
It was fun learning a bit about the author behind some of the coolest stories in English Lit.
So romantic... *sigh*.

A funny thing happens when we (my husband and I) rent films.
There is always a connection a scene or an actor, a director or character that matches in 2 films out of every batch we rent.

This happens every time.
It's something we laugh about!

There is a scene from Terminator in Persepolis...

And although this does not really count-
3 of the films were actually French

2 of them had actors from Amelie, one of the best movies on my list of must see films.

Ah, and Ron and Linda were a team on "Beauty and The Beast" back in the 80's...



  1. OMG, you've never seen Terminator?! You should rent the first one next, Amber, it's really good. :)

    You mentioned Amelie is one of your all-time faves (mine, too). Have you seen "A Very Long Engagement"? It's by the same director as Amelie (and Audrey Tautou is in it) and is also very good!

  2. Oh, I will be so glad when the weather turns cool and we are in the mood to snuggle with a load of movies! Luck you!


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