Monday, September 08, 2008

Dined at Orsay

ORSAY (click to see the place)

Very good~!
Very nice!

However, if you order the Heirloom Tomatoes ($10.00) and Mesclun ($7.00), be prepared to see two tiny bowls, with barely anything in them.
Well, I was a bit stunned at the size of the bowls. A few of the slices (tomatoes) had scaring on them, so that was a waste.
for $17 dollars, I could have done much better ordering something else.

The place itself is lovely, our waitress was pretty cool.

The place is $$... But the flavor of all of our food was so worth it.
again... mmmmmmmmmm....
The bathroom is a bit tedious! If you go, be prepared to squeeze in and out of the stall.

We chose to eat at this place after spending time way uptown at the top of Central Park.
It was so GORGEOUS there! I did take photos, maybe I will post some.

For desert they had Gelatto in Astoria from Martha's Country Bakery.
I bought a tiny cranberry and walnut tart. :oD


  1. Hello Amber!

    This refers to the Heirloom Tomatoes at ORSAY. It reminds me of an incident at a hotel where I was having dinner with my wife.

    A man, slightly drunk, came and sat at the next table and ordered for crab soup. When the soup was brought he became quite upset because there were no crabs floating in the soup. The waiter tried to explain to him that he ordered only for crab soup and not for crabs. The man started screaming that he ordered for crab soup and therefore there must be crabs in the soup. There was a big commotion and finally the manager came and apologised to the man and told him not to pay the bill. Then the man calmed down, enjoyed his soup and walked away happily without paying.

    Have a good day!

  2. what a gorgeous little place ... once in a while, I like to go all shi-shi and pray the food is as tasty as my tastebuds wish it to be ... a cranberry walnut tart might just do the trick! :)


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