Saturday, April 26, 2008

~*Kelly Snelling Loves Me!*~ :o)

I have this happy warm heart feeling as I write this!

It must be love!

Kelly made me a really sweet birthday bracelet constructed of turquoise (Kelly met the man who mined it and he told her all about the mine in Arizona. She says that he was quite the character. That must mean he was fun!), faceted florite, biwa pearls, a Peruvian opal and an old key (which was given to her by a friend for Kelly's birthday) and the purple bead which may have come from Mija.

She has a few goodies on display over on her blog- The following was written along with the picture of the bracelet on her blog.

The Key is LoveY<--- click here to see her post on April 23rd

A snippet from her blog-

"I find You, Lord, in all Things and in all my fellow creatures, pulsing with Your life; as a tiny seed You sleep in what is small and in the vast You vastly yield yourself.

The wondrous game that power plays with Things is to move in such submission through the world: groping in roots and growing thick in trunks and in treetops like a rising from the dead." -Rilke
Kelly and Ruth are the co authors of a MUCH ANTICIPATED charm book!
~*A CHARMING EXCHANGE*~ (click the link to see it on Amazon)
Several of my cool art friends are featured in that book so be sure to take a look at it in the summer when it hits the shelves!
Amazon has a discount deal if you place your order now!
It is a piece which I will happily wear!


  1. yay! coming soon to your mailbox!!! you are too sweet, amber dawn! i'm so, so happy that you like the bracelet!

  2. It's a lovely bracelet! Happy belated birthday!

  3. What a beautiful bracelet! kelly is pretty wonderful - but then so are you!


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