Saturday, April 26, 2008

~*DownTown*~ NYC a block away from ABC carpet and Home...

I LOVE the beautiful architecture!

ABC is one of my escape from the pavement locations.
We love to stroll the floors and chat with the VERY cool and VERY friendly staff.
Earlier in the day, Regina had given me a small paper gift bag and bookmark for my birthday that she had originally gotten at a Kate's Paperie event that Liz Albrecht had told me about in 2006. It features work by my all time favorite muse Michal Negrin.
After gazing at the bag, I was inspired and since I was downtown later on that day I strolled on in to Michal's corner in ABC to see what was new.

1 comment:

  1. These are great photos- did you take them and then alter them? 2 of my sisters are going to NYC next week - wish I could join them!


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