Saturday, October 06, 2007

twenty twenty twenty four hours to go-o-oh--- I wanna be sedated...*too much to do!*

I cannot sleep. Too much to do...
Deadlines left and right.
Requests for samples, requests for book art, requests for zines, for jewels, for pages, for layouts.... hmmmmm....
I kinda like it... yet I have trouble putting myself in bed.
I have been terrible to myself as far as getting to sleep.
Well... it is a constant art party in my head and I don't want it to end.

I didn't get to sleep last night. In fact it is now 5:20 AM and yet to sleep...
I was making doll art for the last 3 hours. You can NEVER consider me a lazy daisy! Not a lazy bone in me!
It would be nice however if my body could keep up with my energetic mind.

Here are two images that I concocted and will be making cute plushies with them.


  1. OOOO what awesome verbage, "an art party in my head". Thats exactly what it's like sometimes when your mind just won't shut off. I'm glad I'm not the only one w/ a Muse whose mainlining caffiene and constantly shouting in my ears. Brilliant blog, I'll be back often, I'm going to add you as a link to my own, so that I do just that!

  2. Oh these are fun! Love the eyes on the first one! Marva

  3. so little time...

  4. Your work is Fantastic!
    Your characters look like they could be real people!
    Sandra Evertson

  5. WOW these are beautiful Amber Dawn you have an amazing eye for detail.
    My head often wont switch off with as you said an art party going on in your head!!!


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!