Saturday, September 29, 2007

Splendiferous BEAUTY and LIFE!

The sun beams breaking through the clouds were INTENSE. I changed the light value in PS to show how STRONG it was. The freedom and peace we felt through the entire day was incredible!

The two pictures combined, don't even show the whole view. I had to catch the two ends and paste them together --that is why the angle in the pics are off from one another.

It started to fade a few seconds after we got home, and so we caught it just in time.
I posted two of the pics that I joined together to show how big it was.


  1. We live in opposite worlds yet it's nice to see the world you live in compared to mine. It lets me know a little more about you. Those pics are so awesome. It makes me want to pick up the camera and actually learn to use it. I am missing out on so much in life! You truly INSPIRE me in so many ways!
    Thanks for your help earlier. I know now, I can always come to you when I need something. Thanks for being there.
    fondly, Nancy


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