Tuesday, May 08, 2012

A Charming Challenge using images from Rian Design! Would you like to join me?

You will see some new eye candy, coming soon- using the fun and colorful digital art from Rian Designs!

Shrink plastic with gold leaf.

If you have not yet been to Rian's site- take a look!!! Here is the link to her Shop<--

I will be giving away several charms made using the images as well as some miniature pop up books!

So what is the challenge? I am hoping that other charm making artists and designers will try using Rian's images to create charms & miniature art with! If you would like to participate, all you'd need to do is use any of her images to create your charms or minis, post them to your site or blog and then leave a comment with a link to view your work. If there are enough of us, perhaps we could also work out a charm swap or blog hop as well.

I chose a bunch of sheets from Rian's shop to work with and I've made mini books, shrink plastic tags, charms and 3D collages as well as some of the images mounted on metal and wood.

Here are just a few "test" pieces... I will post finished pieces through July.

Shrink plastic, more saturated color, test piece.

Paper experiments...

Book in progress...

Pop-up book layer experiment...

Shrink Plastic experiments... 

Color saturation tests...

 Miniature cut-out of Shrink Plastic.

MORE to come! This was just a preview of just some of what I have been working with!!!

Let me know if you too, start to create charms with her images! They are great to work with!

1 comment:

  1. They look amazing Amber !!!

    I planned to create a extra page at riandesign.eu with samples made with my sheets and designs.
    I wonder if you agree that I publish some photo's of your creative work ?
    Or perhaps you sending me a few photo's ? I would love it :-)

    Hugsss Rian.


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!