Thursday, January 19, 2012

I joined Pinterest

Jenny Holiday is always posting pics to Pinterest that I find to be fascinating and very PRETTY!<--(Click here to see her Pinterest board.) but I had no idea what Pinterest really was or how it worked.  Then I started noticing others who were using it as well, via Facebook.
I finally took an interest in it last weekend when someone mentioned it and I saw that people were linking from Pinterest to my blog...
Now I am a part of Pinterest so if you want to follow pin-ups of my art and designs as well as other people's work and designs that I like- here is my link-

 ~* *~

Join Pinterest! You may like it too!

~*Thank you to Maya Bowen for the Pinterest Invitiation Today!*~
Pinterest IS cool! 


  1. Hola Amber, soy una de las ganadoras de una magdalena del sorteo, te di mi direccion, pero no he tenido noticias,espero no se haya perdido!!!
    Saludos desde España!!!

  2. Hola MaLuisa!
    Your cupcake is already in the mail!
    I hope that you get it very soon!
    Please keep watching your mail for it's arrival.

  3. Hola Amber!!!
    Ya lo tengo!! muchas gracias por tu mensaje, y por tu regalo, un trabajo magnifico!!!! me ha gustado mucho, es muy interesante ver piezas de otros artesanos y ver como son sus trabajos
    Muchas gracias por tu nota tan cariñosa, desde Barcelona, España,te deseo un Feliz Año 2012, y todo lo mejor para tí!!!
    Besos. Mª Luisa.


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