Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hi Everyone!
It's been a very busy weekend!
I worked nonstop until today, on getting in some last minute submissions to a new Polymer clay magazine in the Netherlands. The ladies that run the magazine are so cheerful and friendly which makes working so hard on these projects for them, so very worth the time and energy! Mini cakes and slices of cake!... The issue will be out later this summer!
Soon, I'll be posting about the Renegade craft fair in Brooklyn a few weeks back. It was a lot of fun for us to attend and we met some awesome artists and designers. I'll update the blog soon, I just wanted to say, Hi!!!

~*&- Welcome to the new followers who found me through the Mini Food blog and Flickr!*~


  1. Hi Amber
    You worked for a new Polymer clay magazine in my country ????
    Djeeezz, I'm really impressed ! You go girl !! :)
    I also wanted to say THANK YOU about your kind message about my moms passing. It touched me and I just want to let you know that I appreciated it very much !!

    I'll be back for your post about the Renegade craft fair !!
    Hugs, Rian from Holland

  2. I haven't seen you on FB, now can't FIND you on FB and wanted to check in and make sure you were ok!!!! email me sometime!



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