Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Deleting FB friends-

I am addressing this post to anyone who was once a friend of mine on FB and can no longer find me.

I have done away with 2 of my public art & school related FB pages. That means that I have deleted over  1,900+ FB contacts who might be wondering what happened.
So- just in case you saw that I was no longer a contact of yours and before your feelings get hurt, it's nothing personal.

 I have kept my public FB fan page, You can follow me there if you'd like- you don't have to be a fan of mine to join, you can join if you just want to see more photos than I usually post here to the blog or you can follow me on Flickr and YouTube too.
The links are on my sidebar to the right --->

There are some great projects of mine that are in the works- I am working very hard at them.
If you'd like to keep in contact, you can send me your email address by commenting.

It's 4am, I'm hard at work and I hope this message finds you all well.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited about what you are working on and can't wait to see!!


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!