Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Deleting FB friends-

I am addressing this post to anyone who was once a friend of mine on FB and can no longer find me.

I have done away with 2 of my public art & school related FB pages. That means that I have deleted over  1,900+ FB contacts who might be wondering what happened.
So- just in case you saw that I was no longer a contact of yours and before your feelings get hurt, it's nothing personal.

 I have kept my public FB fan page, You can follow me there if you'd like- you don't have to be a fan of mine to join, you can join if you just want to see more photos than I usually post here to the blog or you can follow me on Flickr and YouTube too.
The links are on my sidebar to the right --->

There are some great projects of mine that are in the works- I am working very hard at them.
If you'd like to keep in contact, you can send me your email address by commenting.

It's 4am, I'm hard at work and I hope this message finds you all well.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Making each day better than the last.

“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you're doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It's what you think about.”
~ Dale Carnegie

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The work of Romik-

The work of Romik-
It's dark, it's romantic, it's deep visuals.
:o) I like it a lot.
What do you think?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Charm Day winners!

Charm Day winners! Please check to see if you won!
I did not contact the winners- they need to contact me!
The only people who needed to leave me contact info were those who chose the anonymous comment choice and that was to only confirm their identity, if they'd have won.
 Otherwise, it's up to each winner to find that they've won. I noted that it was up to each person to claim the prize so if you left a comment and haven't checked, you might have won! PLEASE CHECK!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Curt & Leigh name tags-

:o) I made 3 for "Curt" in different styles and one for "Leigh."
These are polymer clay- customized miniature name tags.
 Little charm prizes from the International Handmade Art Charm Day event!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I guess I'll be picking new winners this weekend!!!

I guess I'll be picking new winners this weekend if I do not hear back from those who's name I called and haven't gotten back to me.
(((Last call for winners to claim their goods!)))

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Charm Day Winners!

I hope that those who won my giveaways respond soon. I've not yet heard from everyone!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Monday, May 02, 2011

Something that makes me very unhappy...

I'm just as interested in action being taken against the food terrorists as I am the armed terrorists. Bio-tech weapons in the form of genetically modified foods are as dangerous to us. 
Spraying our foods until they are saturated with chemicals is DISGUSTING! 
WE ARE NOT MODIFIED to resist the damage the chemicals do! 
What the plants can resist after being modified and altered in their DNA structure, we cannot. We are not able to live as long without aches, pains, medicines, high BP, headaches, organ failure etc. without the aid of more chemicals to trick our body into being well. Cancer is no longer a one to/in many ratio. Unusual and new diseases are surfacing because of the large consumption of modified and processed foods. Not only are processed foods dead, lacking in live energy, it is full of pesticides and altered DNA!  If you eat nonsense, your body will react to that nonsense by breaking down.

You cannot soak or wash away chemicals that have saturated your fruits, vegetables and your grains. America, your meats and dairy products are contaminated with chemicals that have been digested by animals who have been fed the chemically saturated plants and grains. If you eat animal fat, and it is not organic, you are eating pesticides that have been stored inside of the fat cells. Would you spray your food with bug spray before serving it to your family at meal time?! 

I truly hope that the nonsense and foolishness GETS SWALLOWED UP BY TIME AND SPACE AND SHORTLY, NO LONGER EXISTS! May their money and resources wither away, the way they have made nature rot and wither. I do, so hope, that nature fights back at THEM and wins.