Saturday, April 23, 2011

#2 is the winner! ~*Celise*~

A lovely assistant has chosen the #2. That is Celise. Please send me your mailing address ASAP Celise!

Everyone else, be sure to enter my giveaway prize drawings later this week!!!


Previous message-

If you leave a comment, you will be entered to win one of my handmade polymer clay sculptures! :o)
You have until Monday!
 Charm day is coming up on the 28th of April, be sure to visit as I will be hosting a LOT of giveaways!!!


  1. I would love to have my name in the pot for the giveaway - your charms and your teeny poly works of art are amazing!


  2. Amber--

    The cupcakes are AMAZING! I can't watch the video here at work, but I'll definitely check it out at home when I've got a minute.

  3. What fun! Please include me. :) Love your work!

  4. Love your cute things!!!

  5. I would so LOVE to win one of your awesome polymer goodies

  6. Amber you have come SO far! I know that bigger (or is it smaller? LOL) things are to come for you.

  7. Wow!! I will definately leave a commet Amber. I tried working with poly clay for the first time this week, and am challenged. Makes me appreciate your sculptures even more. They are amazing! Happy Easter!

  8. love your art
    thank you for your generosity

  9. I just love the miniature world you create! Thanks for the invite. Looking forward to it!
    Mary Z

  10. Hope I'm not too late. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Hey Amber Dawn!
    I always love your miniatures! So detailed! I will need my bifocals to see them! Or a microscope! I am looking forward to International Charm Day. I will be at Art & Soul retreat in Hampton VA during that time and have plans to swap charms with others (for charms or whatever!). Yay!

  12. I feel like I can't help but repeat myself, but everything you do is off the charts. I love to see where your creativity takes you-your vision is truly limitless. So blessed to have met you in cyberland. I receive never-ending inspiration through your work and your spirit. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!