Wednesday, March 02, 2011

~*International Handmade Art Charm Day is April 28th. Join the world wide party event!*~


Also known as, International Charm Day. On this day we celebrate life, friendship, artistic handmade charms to wear. We do this by sharing and wearing our own handmade art charms or give gifts of charms, charm making supplies or charm related items. Love, hope, charity, creativity, friendship, kindness, happiness and sharing are many of the founding components behind this event. We share with those we know and those we do not know. This holiday provides a springboard for all sorts of creative RAKS (random acts of kindness) or planned events. Many choose to share their own tutorials on how to construct a unique art charm, some set up a day of charm making workshops, some even leave charms with little notes and an email address in various public spaces. However you choose to celebrate, do it with an open heart. You will find that the world is in need of more days such as this Please join us! If you blog about this event, host a tutorial, or would like to share a story about how you plan on celebrating the holiday, share a link with us visit the Charm Day blog and leave a comment. You can be added to the blog roll of participants!
~*International Charm Day April 28*~

This is a holiday! Like any other special day that we observe.  ~*This is a time to create, wear and share handmade art charms!*~  So spend it with your pets, friends and family or a stranger or two... Give away some charms and keep some too!  Show off your collection, try a new style, make a few for fun...  Give them as a gift, wear what you made, got from a trade or what you've bought.  ~*Celebrate ART TO WEAR charms!*~  :o)

You can copy the image and add the link above to your blog!
I'll be hosting a giveaway- 1 pound of charm making and charm jewelry making supplies.
To enter all you have to do is advertise on your blog, webspace or write a note about charm day on FB! You'll have to let me know that you did this to be entered!

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