Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Dolls the size of my pinky nail... :o)

I made this doll just now.
It's only a rough version.
It needs to be baked, sanded and then painted. THEN dressed.

I started making micro dolls and thought that I could easily crochet them little dresses made of thread... So- now I need to find a #15 0.6mm and just discovered that a size #16 0.4mm exists!!! I want these crochet/tatting hooks. I found them for sale online but the shipping costs 2x the amount of a needle so if anyone has them or can find them in a local store and ship them to me for regular first class shipping, that would be great! OR if you are in NYC and know where to find them, I can get them here!  
COMMENT AWAY! I love your feedback! :o)


  1. Sorry I don't have the hook, but I had to tell you that this doll is fantastic! I can't wait to see her face!

  2. oh I love this!!! I cant wait to see the finished project!

  3. Now That made me Smile. Too Cute Wow the cupcake looks so BIG in the dolls tiny Hands..

  4. Your doll is amazing! I love it!


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!