Thursday, February 17, 2011

~*One World One Heart Winners- will be posted on the original post below!*~

Click here to get there!


  1. I am going to comment here so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle...thank you as always for your sweetness and for that lovely gesture you posted in your winner announcement. My heart is full to brimming with excitement over knowing I'll have something YOU made!

  2. Oh my gosh !!!!! Seriously Amber?
    I had to look twice and got goosebumps!!!!!
    I'll send you a email with my information and
    Thank you soooooooooo much!!!
    You've made my day !!!
    Ow, and I have to pick a cupcake ?
    I would prefer a blue one Amber if I may say so ? But if that is not possible then please surprise me oké ?
    Hugs, Rian from Holland :)

  3. I'm so pleased to be one of your winners too! I sent you an email earlier with my details. Thanks so much!


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!