Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Bead Soup ingredients from Cheryl K Roe

 These are really pretty beads!

 Although the large focal bead arrived fractured,  I can easily glue it back together!
:o) I might use this to my advantage come design time!!!

Thank you Cheryl!


  1. Amber I am so sorry the focal arrived broken, I will gladly make you a new one. I had no idea it would not make the trip in one piece. Your pictures make the beads look real good. Maybe you can give me tips on my photos.

  2. Cheryl, it's OK. I am sure that the glass was just moody and broke on it's own.
    You wrapped the parcel very well, I am not exactly sure how it broke on the ride over though.
    It's a clean fracture so I can glue it with no problem.
    However, I might decide to keep it apart and use that as part of the design.
    unless you mind?
    Thank you Cheryl!

  3. Oh and as for the photos, I do photo editing. So if you have some photos that you'd like enhanced, I charge .20 cents a photo.
    If you have a photo editing program, you can do it too!
    The editing just adjusts the shadows, highlights, and can correct some of the dullness that occurs when the camera takes the photos.


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!