Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The fun of numbers! -111-

On this special day...
I thought you might like to try this...
On this day of 1.11.11. 
Do you know the magic of 111? 
Take your birth year (last 2 digits) + current age +1 = 111. Try it !!!

(I found this on a friends' FB post earlier & had to share!)


  1. OMG!!! I did that with my bday,my husband's and son's and it all equaled 111. Crazy!!!!!

  2. what the heck??!! i have been freaked about this 11 thing because my daughter was born on
    11-11-92 (9+2=11) (11-11-11) she graduates in 2011, and this year her birthday will be 11-11-2011....what is this magic??!!


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