Monday, August 23, 2010

Size- It's a matter of perspective too.

A while back I posted some of my itty bitty clay cupcakes, and a shorter while ago, I posted some of my small, but not impossible to see with the naked eye, floral polymer clay cupcakes.
There are a lot of new readers here so I want to repost, in a new way, some of what I do on the side.
It is a challenge to make these.
But I enjoy the results.

I took these photos during a road trip this weekend...

The ones above are sitting on a US case quarter.

The ones below are sitting on a lid that is about the size of a US dime.
The image was captured using the macro lens.

He was impressed when I showed him my itty bitty cupcakes but his jaw dropped when I showed him what they looked like with the macro lens on my camera and when I gave him my cheap pair of drug store reading glasses to view them, he just stared.

Here he is watching the people pass through the cross streets.

looking at me....


  1. Amber Dawn, your Cupcakes are always fantastic ! and your hubby is cute too ! teehee . I'm missing you !! See you on sep 4th for the class. peace and love Heather

  2. those are about the most amazing thing I have ever seen than someone has done with polymer clay. thanks for the macro shots...amazing!

  3. Those cupcakes are so awesome . I've tried before to making miniature food for my doll house and i wish they'd come out half as awesome as those .

  4. Your cupcakes are so cool! They also made me hungry.



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