Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finding dimes...

Hey, it's all about getting to where I want to be...

Lately I have been finding a lot of dimes on the ground.
In NYC it's not uncommon to see pennies strewn about.
But dimes have been something that I have been seeing everywhere I go lately.
I find one each time I am out!

I started saving for my first car a while back, but things came up and the money was spent on other things.

A few weeks ago, I felt determined to save up again, so that I can have a car for work transportation and other important travel. Since then, I've been finding change all over the place! Some quarters, a lot of dimes and a lot of pennies.
I used to pass the change by, leaving it for someone who might need it for food or something... But right now, I am smiling when I see it,  it feels like winning points during a game when I pick it up and put it in my savings box.

It's nice!

It's like having a higher/more rapid interest rate on my small car savings!
I'm feeling good!!!

In other news, I met up with John Glover today in the city.
You might know him as Lionel Luthor from Smallville...

He is fabulous!


  1. I call it "Lucky Money."My husband laughs because sometimes it is pennies I have dropped myself and have haven't picked up!

  2. Well you know you create your own reality. So you have asked the universe for a car and money to get the car will be literally. "Thrown" at you. And maybe the car will just appear. ...!!! How. Cool. Keep me posted.


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