Tuesday, July 27, 2010

International Charm Day- mentioned in a South African jewelry magazine-

A couple of weeks ago I got a lovely parcel in the mail, of charms, cards and a really nicely made magazine from South Africa  called 'The Bead Book'.
There was an article written about a celebration for International Charm Day at a beautiful Estate, with Benice & Elna, two lovely ladies who hosted a celebratory event on April 28th.
 Many people were in attendance and created handmade art charms to keep, wear and exchange. The article includes an informal tutorial on how to make some pretty charms like the ones pictured.
The charms below are ones that I received as a gift.

I started the special day as a way to celebrate handmade art, life and International unity.

Last year we had thousands of participants join us from,  tropical islands, busy cities, farms, little towns and countries all over. --America,  South America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Puerto Rico, Canada, the Philippines, Amsterdam, Germany, The Netherlands, Panama, The Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Sweden, Malaysia, Hungary and all over the UK, Spain, and India
This year we had all 6 populated continents that have comfortable living conditions- (No one from Antarctica, that I know of has joined in the celebration... ) as well as island territories off shore of the major bodies of land.
All kinds of people have been very creative in their way of making the day fun.
I am excited about the next big event in 2011!

If this interests you and you would like to participate, tell us about it! We'd love to hear!
All are welcome to join in and be involved.

Wishing you a charming week!


  1. How exciting Amber! Congratulations on uniting much of the world in celebrating,creating, and sharing.

  2. Amber,
    This is so incredible. I would LOVE to participate this year. I didn't notice it until after the date. It is a wonderful idea and a great way to unite people in the world...one of my most important values. My sincere congratulations!

    I had exchange teachers from Venezuela, Mexico and Argentina and an exchange student from Croatia, for a year each. Jewelry-creating was always part of the fun.I would love to try to interest them, too.


  3. Hello Charm Girl Amber...you are all over the Universe...You are Creative Energy!!! Congratulations....Love Colleen

  4. OK, are you Amber or Dawn? Your profile said Dawn...I am sorry!


  5. Well Amber - YOU started an International Day and it took off - FANTASTIC - what an honour to be mentioned but hey no more than you deserve....

    You bring the world together and you can't do better than that xxx


Thank you very much for taking the time to comment!