Tuesday, June 15, 2010

~*Colleen Athens!*~ Teaching at Art Is & Purple Petals Studio! HAVE YOU HEARD?

I met Artist & Designer Colleen Athens, back in April of this year, during a Wendy Froud fairy workshop at Purple Petals Studio.
That is when I found out that she would be teaching at Ellen's & Sallianne's Art Is You retreat in CT in October.

Colleen creates outstandingly COOL & GORGEOUS work!
She handles detail on a miniature scale with ease and finesse.

If you can get to Art Is, I HIGHLY recommend taking her 2 day workshop. It's less than $300 for the two day workshop and you will learn how to make the doll parts, and costuming!

Colleen is a very personable/warm person, so you will get a lot of personal help and she will care about you and your progress during class.

Here are some of the Lullaby League fairies which I saw in person.

I am already signed up for her July class and I'm very much looking forward to it!

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