Monday, May 17, 2010

Hanging with the SewSo girls from NJ-


~*A fun and talented group of doll makers who came to NY,
to take an all day polymer clay class with me.
Colleen on the left, Heather on the right, 
Tery in the forefront and that's me in the black.*~
((I am wearing the most recent doll pin that Pat Winter sent me.))

                 They are each pretty talented, so it was a LOT of fun hanging with them in class!


  1. Amber...thank you for the gift of "LEAPORD"!!!! WOW..I am amazed at what you taught me. I keep looking at the tiny design and I am in Love with it!!! I'm so excited and Totally INSPIRED!!! I cant wait to incorporate the techniques into my doll making....

    Love Colleen


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