Friday, May 07, 2010

Do you like lemons? I just made one out of clay as small as a ball point!! Tell me what you think!

100% Polymer clay, made by Amber Dawn wearing a pair of reading glasses... Even with the glasses, it is still too small to see the details. The lens on her camera helps out with that. It is a digital Macro lens.

BTW, this was the photo that I used for inspiration and guidance...
Click here to see- LEMON


  1. Wowee Girlie - that is one teeny tiny lemon - amazing - I have no idea how you even managed to do that. But then again, I like to leave the polymer clay to you and Miz Peg - it's too sticky for me, LOL. (yep, I know, molten glass sticks too, LOLOL)

  2. I love lemons and anything you can fix with it.........especially lemon merique pie......yum...yum. These lemons look like the real thing........just incredible.

  3. love your work - that lemon is fantastic but the cupcakes are even more spectacular!


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